Pleasure Quarter

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I followed Mikoto from behind. Welf was still in the bath and I don't know where Lily is but she could most likely find out where I went if she could deduce it fast enough.

As I was trailing the night sky was filled with stars that shined despite how dark it was. It was always cool to see stars, that was one of the few things I also enjoyed.

I followed from behind and saw Lily and Welf behind me. I let them catch up.

"So you figured it out, Lily?"

"Well, I saw the water droplets from the door and ran in the direction where the soap smell was strongest,"

"Nice, not going to lie I thought you would have gone to the Takemikazuchi familia first to find out what was happening but I guess this works as well. And you?"

I looked over at Welf.

"Well...I was also worried about what was happening, we're in the spotlight right now so I don't want to take any chances,"


We were trailing and talking at the same time, and that was when we arrived at the Pleasure quarter of Orario. Both Mikoto and her friend, Chigusa.

"Do you think...They're...You know..." Welf asked hesitantly.

"Not possible, if so then I'm positive Mikoto would not have been that flushed from me teasing her about the bath,"

"Pardon?" Lily asked while looking at me

I ignored her though as we continued to follow. That was when something I didn't expect to happen happened.

A huge crowd of gods came swarming by and pushed me apart from Lily and Welf. Neither of them seemed to notice since there were so many people around.

I tried to hold my ground but to do so without offending a god would be troublesome, so I just went with the flow. When the crowd separated I was in the red-light district. 

"...I probably should have just pushed the gods out of the way,"

Newfound popularity has its problems I guess. I got to stay on the down-low.

I walked around a little bit to understand where I was. I didn't know where Lily and Welf went but likely something was going to happen here in the future, and because of that it was important to understand the area.

I walked past a brothel Where a golden fox girl was sitting. Her eyes seemed lifeless and when she noticed my gaze she smiled and waved.

I continued walking surveying the area. Full of the smell of musk and perfume. Girls called out every guy that walked by. I was called a few times too but I brushed them off.

As I was walking I heard a voice call out to me.

"Why Hello Bell,"


Hermes was there with his usual grin. However, he also had a pouch on his waist that was being held by his hand, making sure it doesn't move around too much.

"I didn't know you were the type for this stuff. Weren't heroes the type for a pure maiden?"

"I do what I want to, I don't plan on losing my virginity here anyway. Enough with me though, I assume you're here to deliver whatever is in that pouch to Ishtar?"

Ishtar, known as the second goddess of beauty only beaten by Freya herself. 

How I figured this out by a quick deduction. The pouch first of all. Hermes is a delivery god, meaning he gets materials that are hard to come by and gives them to buyers. The fact that it is Hermes himself doing it means that it is 1, important, and 2, most likely to Ishtar. After all, if a human were to go they would easily be charmed and could give up valuable information.

"Clever boy," Hermes then started walking past me "Well, I'm off then,"

"...Hermes, if you want to sneak something in my pocket do a better job,"

"Awww...Here I thought I was being sneaky,"

"Check your front pocket," I said to him.

He checked the front pocket of his coat and a Vali was in there.

"That's how you do it. But, it would be rude to refuse a god on his offer so I'll take that,"

I took the item he had which was an aphrodisiac.

"You know Bell, a quick word of advice," He leaned in close to my ear "Even if it may not seem like it gods have billions on billions of years of experience when it comes to outsmarting each other. Try anything and I bet I've seen it before,"

"Doesn't matter if you know what it is if you can't do anything about it," I shot back at him

"HAHAHA! Bell, try not to get crushed by me. I'll be the first to stir up some trouble for you,"

He then took off smile and all.

Truthfully he was probably right. I have no idea what happens in heaven but if I assume that they fight using their minds up there then it would be safe to say that usual tactics are out of the question.

As I was in the thought of walking I bumped into someone, physically this time. We both fell to the ground

"Damn," I stood up and shook off the dirt on the back of my pants, and continued walking.

"Oh? Not even an apology huh? You're pretty bold,"

I turn around to face the amazon. Her clothes barely covered everything up.

"I have no interest in people that give in to such desires,"

I tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm.

'She's strong,'

"C'mon now Mr. Prodigy, how about I show you what experience does?"

"Not interested in getting an STD,"

"Sharp tongue huh? Well, your opinion doesn't matter. Name's Aisha, that's what you'll be screaming in bed,"

She then yanked me by the arm. I couldn't break away. Her grip may have been high level 3...Maybe level 4.

"Hey, Hey aren't their rules about this sorta thing?"

"Hmm...Well, we'll see how you act after I play with you,"

I was dragged all the way to the main castle. The base of the Ishtar familia.

"Any rooms?" She asked the person working at the counter

"Currently none, there is a 10-minute wait


She let go of my arm as soon as we entered the room. She probably figured me running at this point was suicidal.

We sat down on the couch as other amazons tried to get me but Aisha scared them off.

A small smile came to my face.

'These fucking idiots, if only they knew what Freya is going to do if you try anything...'

Then a figure walked in from atop the tallest balcony. It appeared to be Ishtar herself, Aisha seemed shaken when she noticed.

She just looked down until her eyes landed on mine. I had been thinking of a few plans ever since I was grabbed by Aisha, the main one was to sneak the aphrodisiac and have Aisha be too horny to focus on fighting. I had a worst-case scenario where I go all out but then my ace in the hole is useless.

This was unexpected but a devious idea came to my mind. How I could start a fire, burn this whole damn place to the ground. An idea that I thought of on the spot.

I opened my mouth in the huge reception area that had become dead silent with the goddess's arrival.

"Fucking Skank," I said looking at Ishtar while flipping her off with an arrogant smirk

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