Welf Crozzo

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I quickly ran with Lily following close behind me, I had managed to pick up all my things including the minotaur horns but I was fuming right now. Lily could tell which was why she was just keeping quiet.

As soon as we left the dungeon I saw Eina coming over to come to to see me.

"Hey! Long time no see Bell-"

Even though she finished the sentence she stopped talking when she looked at my face, while I didn't have my mask down it was pulled off for a moment. It was one of those moments where even though the person is smiling you can tell they're pissed

"Eina...I'll talk with you a little bit later, okay?" I said in a non-threatening voice

Eina just waved goodbye as Lily followed me into our base. Hestia was still working so we would be alone.


It was the first time I feel like I've ever truly been had. Freya had not only managed to get sufficient info on me without me knowing but managed to predict my every move.

I continued to throw things all over the place including pots, pans, and pretty much anything I could find.

Lily continued to watch but after 5 minutes she spoke up "...We still will have another chance against her right?"

"Lily...Right now my whole position is in danger. According to Hestia every time an adventure levels up the gods hold a celebration each month. Freya could easily blow this whole situation out of control and my whole image would be ruined. Then I would have to re-think everything,"


"I already had a solid plan in mind for how to take care of all the heroes, but if my mask gets yanked off this early...then I could be in trouble,"

Seeing as I was no longer as mad as I was she continued asking questions "Sure, but doesn't this mask you wear actually count as a handicap?"

"It is, but I don't like pointless violence. I could either rule as someone who is in the right or someone who is in the wrong. the true fine line between a hero and villain could be decided right here and now,"

I need to relax, I also learned something from this, the fact that Freya doesn't want me to die but wants me to get stronger.

"The plan here is simple now Lily,"


"Things may be getting more dangerous. I'm gonna start making some moves early,"

First things first I need to establish more connections. The more pieces I have regardless of the strength is going to help.

I looked at the armor on the floor. 'Welf Crozzo,'

A little after 6 PM Hestia finally came home to update my status, and to stay she was shocked was an understaement


She quickly showed me my new status.

Bell Cranel: Level 2

Strength: H-100

Agility: H-130

Endurance: H-160

Dexterity: H-100

Magic: H-120

She wanted to celebrate but I told her another time.




I then went to the armor shop that Eina took me too before and asked the store clerk where I could find Welf Crozzo and his face went pale

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