True Instinct

525 23 1

(Bell POV)

I stood on top of a large building with a flat roof. I was staring at the stars with a hand on my hip. It was only a matter of time before the minotaur came here.

And I already knew, I had no chance of winning. 

The chance of me beating a monster that fought Bete, Tione, and Tiona at the same time was so slim that I didn't even need killer instinct to see it

'Nonetheless, though, I must try,'

If I don't at least put up a fight then my reputation will forever crumble.

Behind me, I then heard a large thump, then a voice

"Bell Cranel,"

He likely jumped all the way up here in one jump. Truly a beast.

"So you can speak. Mikoto said you hadn't said a word,"

"I don't prefer to talk, but from one warrior to another, let's exchange name's before we fight,"

There were probably 4 people who had already seen the black minotaur and were getting others to come over. They weren't close enough to hear the conversation though. To them, it looked like a man and a monster getting ready to face down.

"You already know but Bell Cranel," I said as I drew my Hestia knife and a magic sword. I had a total of 4 magic swords plus my Hestia knife and minotaur knife.

"Asterius," It drew another axe on its hip. The magical one still hung on its back.

I took a deep breath and got into position. I would try not to use killer instinct for as long as possible, I was prepared to let my trump card be known but it was still preferable if I didn't.

Then almost like a flash of light he appeared right in front of me and brought down the axe with such speed it made the air itself quiver.

'Ah, I'm dead,'

I didn't even have time to react but I activated killer instinct as soon as he started to vanish from my sight, but I still wasn't fast enough to entirely dodge the blow.

The blade stopped just short of my neck.

"I see, guess we'll do this then,"

On his weapon he then ripped off one of the sharp edges and threw it to the ground, making it now a normal axe with one sharp side and one blunt side.

Not wanting to waste any time I charged in. I was assessing all possible moves and had to move before he moved a little to dodge.

I eventually got a swing in with my Hestia knife that cut off a little fur, then swiped the ice magical knife across the ground to freeze his feet.

I then went for an attack right to the throat with the Hestia knife, but his eyes seemed like it was watching it all. It was clearly holding back.

I stopped right before I hit his neck and jumped backward to avoid the fist that was about to come at me from the left.

'20 seconds left,' I quickly charged in again as Asterius smiled as he broke out of the ice covering easily

I kept on attacking from the sides and got behind him but even with my muscles being pushed to their max I felt as though he was still only watching me. Like a teacher not going all out on his disciple to see how much he had grown. He was only blocking.


My right leg made a slight cracking sound as I launched off the ground at alarming speeds, Asterius seemed surprised since he dodged instead of blocked by ducking down but then he rose his fist the collided with my ribcage as I was above him.

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