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(Bell POV)

Lyu quickly put back on her clothes that had dried a little from falling in the water, and we walked out of the area with water, now we were down a one-way tunnel.



There were no words between us now. it was a silence that people hated, not a pleasant one.

I quickly sliced through a monster that was in front of us. My limbs were still achy, and I would die if I tried anything risky. 

We walked until we were right before an entrance.

"This is to the outermost circle. Once we are passed here we will have to look for the last entrance," Lyu said without looking at me

"...The juggernaut is probably camping this entrance," I responded

Judging from the battle I had with the Juggernaut so far I can say with 100% accuracy that it possesses intelligence. Knowing that it probably couldn't find us no matter how many times it looked on this huge floor, it would take a spot where we would be forced to encounter it. Being at the entrance of the floor would be too risky since the possibility of an adventurer seeing them would be way higher than here.

Just by looking from where we were, it wasn't in sight, but that didn't mean I was wrong.

"Get ready,"

I immediately ran out into the super wide hallway and went as far away from the entrance as possible before turning around to have a look back.

There on top of the wall where the entrance was, was the Juggernaut.

'...It's arm,'

The arm I had crackered earlier had been replaced. It was now a giant mess of a leg full of muscles and skulls from other monsters.


It jumped off the side of the wall and scurried towards me. It wasn't nearly as fast as it was before but in my already weakened state, I was slower than it was now.

It swiped down one of its claws as I leaned backward to dodge. I then tried to cut off its other arm, but I was met with a loud clang. 


My arm with my dagger was flown backward from the recoil. The Juggernaut was then about to slash through me but I had shadow spikes try to pierce him despite his mana shield protecting him. More than 20 came out from all angles and were all reflected.

Lyu then finally entered the scene, she was chanting when I went out first so this was what I was waiting for. My attack just now had severely damaged the mana shield, so Lyus would finish it and then get some damage in as well.

"LUMINOUS WIND!" She yelled as the orbs of wind flew right at the juggernaut. It was about to jump away went I used both of my daggers and slammed down on his "New" Leg that he had gotten.

He clearly wasn't accustomed to using it just yet, so the force of my slamming down on it was the equivalent of kicking a human really hard on threw back of the knee.

His leg caved in as I jumped backward when the Wind crashed into him.

The first 3 were reflected but the others weren't.

When the smoke finally rose we saw a figure still standing there, albeit damaged. The leg that was covered in skulls and muscles oozed blood and had cracked on it.

It backed up slowly, not running away, but just putting some distance between us. 

Lyu came next to me and we both faced the Juggernaut, we then started circling each other. Going into killer instinct now was impossible, I would be knocked out right away, so I could only depend on myself now.

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