Good Cop

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We went into the dungeon. Lily was observing me.

"So Lily, if it's alright with you I'd like to head down to the 6th or maybe 7th,"

"Lily has no problems! Lily will follow wherever Mr. Bell goes!"

"Gald to hear it,"

Eina mentioned to me yesterday that I was ok to go down to the 6th or 7th, but even if she didn't I planned to go here soon.

Once we made it the monsters were a little stronger but they also started popping up more frequently. I slashed through 4 kobolds and turned to fight the 3 goblins behind me.

Lily quickly shot one with a bow attached to her arm. Then the goblins focused on her. I quickly then killed the goblins chasing after her.

"Not bad," I said

"Thank you, Mr. Bell!"

We quickly went through the day just like this, no close calls but it was a chill day overall. I paid her half of what I got which also surprised her a lot. Of course, I was also able to find out a few things about Lily.

The first is that she has never killed anyone, her eyes didn't have any darkness in them that showed that. Second is the fact that she'll try and steal the Hestia knife. Whenever I was fighting her eyes were glued to it the whole time. Not to mention she'd asked many questions about it.

I quickly headed home where Hestia updated my status

Strength: C-794

Agility: A-939

Endurance: A-988

Dexterity: C-777

Health: A-984

Magic: I-0



The rest of the night went by as usual.

As I lay on the couch I started to think of countermeasures for not only Lily but also That crazed sex goddess.

'For Lily...If I want to play good cop first I would have to trick her into stealing the wrong thing, which would be easy but then she would suspect me...How can I do it in a way that doesn't seem suspicious?'

Of course, If I wanted to make it so she didn't take it at all that would be simple, but if I want to use her efficiently then having her not be loyal is an issue.

I could set up a situation then and let her steal it and then get it back. However, my connections aren't that well...But I think I have a good idea of how to deal with this now.

'As for the sex goddess...'

If I had to guess she'll most likely be quiet for right now. She made quite the move the other day so making one so soon would not be good. However, when she does I can think of two possibilities. 1, she tries to do a pass parade on me to catch me off guard. She knows how I am so her plans would have to do something with catching me off guard. Then 2, is she tries another event, but that's unlikely.

As I thought about it though nothing came to mind, I guess to understand what she would do next it would be better to understand why She wants to do this instead. I can't think of why though...Unless she wants to kill me indirectly but I feel like that's not it.

 I sat up and checked the time on the wall. 12 AM

"They should be open for a little bit,"

I quickly left without waking up Hestia and went to the Benevolent Mistress. When I arrived it seemed that they were about to close. That was before Syr saw me though.

Reverse Heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें