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I waited with both of my knives at the ready, Lyu waited next to me. I could hear her ragged breathing right next to me.

"It's called the Juggernaut. It has claws that slice through anything, and Speed that makes high-tier adventurers seem slow. It also has a magic reflective shield.

'Sounds troublesome,'

We continued to wait, and after a minute, my heart started to pick up its pace.

'Am I nervous?'

Then, not even an instant later I heard footsteps, I readied my knives to my chest, and crashing through the tunnel was this...Thing. It was like a skeleton monster on all fours. It also had a giant tail at the end and giant glowing red eyes.

I had one thought when I saw it. 


There was no way I could set up any traps. Killer instinct worked best when I had experience with the opponent, and I could already tell this thing far outclassed me.

But as soon as the thought crossed my mind, Aisha's words came to mind.

Would I be able to jump into the jaws of death to save a friend?

I stepped forward despite my mind telling me not to, the beast saw me, and before I knew it, it was right in front of me. I ducked up the swipe and swiped up with my Hestia knife to try and cut its arm off. 

But it just bounced off.


I then jumped way far back as Lyu came in and deflected another swipe of the monster's claws to protect me while I jumped. She was flung into the wall and her sword broke from doing so.

I then went into killer instinct. My surroundings changed and everything around me disappeared except the landscape and my enemy. Or so I thought. Somehow, someway I still saw Lyu, who unlike even my enemy was still in color.

Not letting myself get distracted though I charged in and the juggernaut did the same.

We were comparable in speed currently but its strength far outpowered mine. I also couldn't rely on fully predicting all its moves since I need more information on how it moves to do that to its full potential.

I quickly shifted my body and barely dodged the claws, then with my max strength slammed both of my knives into the armor at the same time, and the arm cracked.

Claws came down on me right away so I jumped backward again. This time though he didn't let me get away so easily. His tail came around and was about to slam into my neck.

Using the Hestia knife and my arm I was able to avoid death, but...I took one look at my arm after I had gotten flung into the wall.

My right arm was destroyed. I couldn't even feel it.


My mind wouldn't stop screaming but I pushed forward.

"Come on you fucking bastard. I'm at least taking your arm too,"

We then charged forward again. I had about 10 seconds left of killer instinct. 

I was getting better at being able to dodge his attack but he was getting better at dodging mine.  Then to my surprise, he jumped backward. 

I ran after him but he continued to run.

'Does he know about my time limit?!'

Then a burst of magic from where Lyu had been came flying out. It crashed right into him and then was reflected right back at her, but she had already moved so it missed.

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