Logic over Feelings

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We left the dungeon and now we're back at the mansion. 

"Welcome back!" Hestia said energetically as usual.


No one responded though, everyone, since we met back up, could feel the tension in the air, not to mention with how zoned out I looked everyone was a bit dazed.

"Umm...Lily, clarification please!" Hestia said with her chest puffed out

As Lily stayed behind to explain everything I went downstairs to my lab and locked the door. This room is soundproof in case of explosions so it was the perfect room just to break down in.

I attempted to open my mouth to scream when...

'Remember Bell, A true man can't cry until everything is won or lost. In between, there is nothing to cry about,'

I went into the bathroom instead and washed my face and looked in the mirror. Could I really still be a villain? One that I want to play and not just some cold-hearted killer?

I still wondered about that. At that moment I didn't even think about it, it was so natural that I didn't even remember anything until it was over...But I just don't understand why? I don't kill innocents...Yet I killed these guys without a second thought-

I quickly splashed more water into my face.

"Get your head in the game Bell, Can't back out now,"

I decided to go get some more plans into motion now that I had the information needed, the first stop was to go to Ais. The Ikelos familia will likely come to me since they saw me with the hidden person which could be deduced as Wiene.

I quickly head out and go over to the Loki Familia's base. 

When I arrive there are guards keeping watch so I talk with them.

"Can I talk to Ais? It's about something important,"

"Oh? You're the Prodigy, right? Unfortunately, though you can't. We have orders from Loki that no one without permission can enter,"


Right as I was about to leave and sneak in, I heard a voice from behind.

"Oh! Hey Mr. Prodigy!" 

It was Tiona, she was sort of bubbly but I didn't really have much of an opinion of her.

"Why're you here?"

"I wanted to see Ais,"

An evil smirk came across her face "He's with me," She told the guards. Even though it wasn't true they had to obey. She then whispered in my ear "If you wanna go for her you got lots of competition, I wish you luck!"

She then walked in and I followed, I had no idea where her head was most of the time

I walked around until I found her room, it had her nameplate on the door and nothing else, quite plain.

I knocked.

"...Loki go away," A tired voice said

'Is she still sleeping?' 

It was currently 9:30 AM and most adventurers are up at this time.

"It's me, Bell."

Suddenly the door opened with Ais in light pink pajamas that were barely hanging on.

"...You wanna get changed first or..."

Ais looked down then her face went pink for just a second when she closed the door, a few moments later it opened again and then she came out in normal wear. 

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