The Hero Cycle

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It was like to world froze, I stood there for a second before taking off using the moment of silence to run.

As I ran to the door I heard another door open from behind, and out came a girl the resembled more of a toad. She was hideous and that's putting it nicely.

"A-AFTER HIM!" Ishtar yelled

'Get angry,'

I ran through the door and into the streets. I knew my way around the red light district for the most part so I planned to stay around there.

As I formed my plan I felt a presence behind me. I narrowly twisted my body and avoided her fist.

"I like to break brats that have some balls, after I beat you I can only imagine your look of pleasure,"

"Not interested," I take off running again, while she was way faster than me I was still fast enough thanks to the difference in our body structure to at least be able to run away for a little while.

Amazons then were loaded on the roofs, raining down arrows. I picked up my pace to as fast as I could possibly go and avoided those as well.

Then before the toad girl could attack again I turned around with the Aphrodisiac in my hands

"Take this!" I acted like it was some sort of grenade 

She initially jumped backward only for it to break and nothing to happen, giving me even more distance.

"LITTLE SHITTTTTTT!" She yelled as she started going even faster.

Then to my left was Aisha.

She lept off a roof and tried to hit me with a kick to the head. I ducked under it and grabbed her ankle and flipped her over, slamming her on the ground. At least that was the plan but she adjusted as soon as I grabbed it and followed up with her other leg.

"Boring," I say as I move my head to the side and narrowly dodge the kick. 

Then, like using a bat I swung her body to hit the toad girl with full force. Having Aisha's head connect with Toad's jaw

"Damnit Aisha don't get caught that easily!"

"Save it Toad!"

'So her name really is Toad. Makes sense I guess,'

With both of them on the ground, I continue running. Other Amazons are still trying to hit me with arrows but my high agility makes me too agile to hit.

I run when the path in front of me is cut off by another amazon, this one looks rather high-ranking as well. She has silver hair as her distinctive feature.

"Where do you think you're running prey?"

"Tch," I look behind me and Toad and Aisha are starting to catch up. I turn down an ally and try to shake them but with the amazons on the roof, it's nearly impossible to shake them completely. 

I jumped on top of the roof and quickly knock out the ones in my way as I run.

'If I can find the right place...'

I looked through windows trying to find one that led to a hallway rather than a room. When I finally found one I jumped up and grabbed the top, sliding my body in feet first as I shatter the window.

I then before anyone else can see me, I break the window on the other end of the hallway and ran into the room on my right which was right next to the window.

Inside the room was the fox girl I had seen earlier. She was in a deep bow.

"I have been waiting for you master,"

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