Death, the living being

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I followed behind Lyu who had started going back into a run. I didn't know where she was going but it was safe to say she was chasing down the other Evils.

The thing is though, who told her the evils were down here? She had to be down here for that reason and I doubt the Evils are clumsy enough to have a loose network so how...

But in reality, I knew how. There was only one person capable, Hermes.

'So the Irregular was just a setup for the main act huh...'

We continued running when she made a sharp turn down one of the tunnels and stopped. 


"N..No..." Someone else said that as they saw Lyu.

"..." Then she disappeared right away, it was way faster than I had seen her before "JUUUUUUUUUUUURAAAAA!" 

At the end she let out a blood-curdling scream, I turned the corner as well only to be met with an explosion and the top of the tunnel fell over blocking the path forward.

"...FUCK!" She screamed as she turned around 

Using magic on it would be pointless since they would already be gone by the time either of us managed to destroy it.

"Who was that?" I asked

"...Someone that I should have killed long ago," Without really giving me much detail she then started running the way we came to go down a different path, and I followed.




After about 20 minutes of running, we finally stopped again.

"G-GODAMN IT YOU CRAZY BITCH JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I had been able to see his face this time. It was a cat person with one ear missing as well as one arm missing.

"..." Lyu with bloodlust all around her charged at Jura, who in return brought out a whip and slashed it on the floor.

instantly recognizing it from Dix's underground base I charge forward and yanked Lyu's arm backward. Just as I did that a giant worm crashed through the wall and would've eaten Lyu whole if I hadn't grabbed her.

"Lyu," I said in a stern voice "Getting this worked up is only going to hinder you, you need to calm it down just a bit,"

"How...Can I do that?" She asked angrily while not looking at me "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS MONSTER HAS DONE!"

"I don't, but I can likely imagine it's worse than whatever I'm thinking,"

I said that but in reality, I knew it was likely that he killed her whole Familia, I'm sure I was right on the money with that too. 

"...Then, please...Just let me handle this,"

"...How about this then. I'll handle the worm and you can kill Jura,"

She slowly nodded.

I then pulled out my two daggers, the Hestia knife, and the New Unicorn horn knife.

I charged forward first while Jura cracked the whip and Worm went right after me, I Ran to the opposite side and drew the worm's attention.

Lyu immediately ran right to Jura.

I knew that he likely was having the worm trick me into drawing its attention by acting like it was drawn away. Then when Lyu's guard was down it would attack her.

Smashing the possibility to the ground I stopped leading the worm away and turned and ran to Jura as well.

Jura's face winced and Lyu's eyes narrowed, I then threw my Hestia knife and it easily pierced his arm, I then turned around and tried to counter the giant worm with my remaining dagger but I got sent flying into the wall.

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