Alone, Again.

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(Lyu POV)

'Where...Am I?'

I could barely feel my body. I could tell though that I was off the ground, and that I was moving.

My hazy eyes finally focused and I saw Bell was carrying me, blood ran over his whole face. I tried to move a little but I couldn't. I then remembered the explosion, and if it was as bad as I remembered, then how could he move? We should...Both be dead right now

"Bell?" I asked in a super worn-out voice.


There was no response, it was then that I noticed he wasn't conscious, he was doing what he did when we were fighting the juggernaut. His body was moving on its own.

I wanted to get off, I wanted to be the one who could carry him instead. All I've done so far is just make things harder on him.

But, as much as I wanted to, I still couldn't move. I had no choice but to let him do everything.

he continued to carry me in silence, I tried to not move at all, in order to make carrying me as easy as possible.

Then, there was a barbarian right in front of us.


I shook Bell to try and get him to wake up, but it seems his exultation was too much to handle. Staying up 8 hours straight and then taking the blast of a full-force explosion. Then there was also the fatigue from battle as well.

The barbarian noticed us and with a roar charged right at us.

I thought I saw Bell's eyes flicker for a moment. Then, his finger raised a little and a shadow pierced its heart.

Then, Bell's body collapsed. 

Mind Down.

He was completely exhausted. There was nothing else to help him now besides sleep. 

Using my shaky hands I reached into his pouch and pulled out the last potion. If this bag of his wasn't made with such good material no doubt the potion would have cracked, but it was good as new now.

I drank it and waited for my strength to come back. Then I picked up Bell princess style just as he did for me

I walked for what felt like hours, I finally saw a little bit of light. It looked to be reflected off of something.

I looked into the room, and...It was water.

I wanted to collapse then and there. Just knowing we somehow had found a water source was a miracle. It meant that we were in some unexplored place under the coliseum. As much as I did want to sleep now though, I had to take care of Bell.

I set him down and cupped water to drink it, the refreshing coolness of it made me remember that I was truly alive.

I then was nudged on the back and I fell right into the water. I quickly got out and it was freezing. When I then noticed it was Bell who pushed me in, he had likely crawled all the way to the water source knowing he was dehydrated.

I had no idea how he could do it. I didn't know how long he has been sleeping but being able to move even though he was unconscious in this state...It just feels more and more impossible the more I see it.

If I had to say what it was, I felt like it was a survival instinct. It forced his body to go where he needed to be in order to live. Whether it was to run, or like now to the nearest water source.

He couldn't drink it though, so he ended up just dipping his whole head in the water.

"Hey," I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back before he drowned himself. I felt kinda dumb calling it a survival instinct now, but if he needed water so bad he would drown himself for it then...

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