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"ROARRRRRRRRRRRR!" A giant scream filled everyone's eardrums as the whole floor shook.

"...Well, Hestia. I recommend that you find somewhere safe to hide,"

"Why should you care?!" 

Her face had tears.


"...It is, and because of that your life is over?"

"...BELL...I LOVED-"

"We'll finish talking after this, Lily-"

"I understand," 

She gave me a smile and knew what I wanted. 

I quickly disappeared from her sight and went back to where Ryu was. She met me halfway along with another guest.

"Asfi...I have some questions I'd like to ask you, but I'll refrain for right now,"

"..." She didn't respond.

"Us Three are going to be the main attack. Other adventurers may join in as well but I doubt that it'll be right away,"

"We can distract it but getting a final blow just with the three of us will be difficult,"

"I have an idea that could work but there are no guarantees,"

"...If that fails?"

Ryu's eyes narrowed. Just like this morning when she tested for backup plans, here was the same thing just a more severe case.

"If, and I mean if I get the worst ending then I'll die along with everyone, so the backup plan is to not die,"

"You're joking right?"

"Ryu, trust in me. I can't have many preparations for this. No one could have expected this. Be grateful I even have one option,"


She then shut up. 

As we were about to move out another girl ran up to us.

"Umm...I'd like to help!"

It was Mikoto.

"What can you offer us?"

Time was quickly running out, the monster was slowly getting used to where he was and was about to go crazy at any moment.

"I have a magic that can bind it in place. It takes a while to charge though-"

I quickly ran up to her "Well, don't I just have the devil's luck? Then How long?"

"Around 5 minutes,"

"Alright, They will buy you some time," 

Just then a whole bunch of adventurers with carts of weaponry appeared. Lily was following behind them. She got them just like I wanted her to.

"Start chanting. Let's go,"

Ryu took out her wooden sword and Asfi followed with a whole bunch of potions in her pockets.

I followed behind, I was way slower but I was confident in my abilities. My plan though, relied on me figuring out how that dark aura worked. I have to get that dark aura again.

Ryu got right in the monster's face and started chanting while cutting up his face. She would land on his shoulders and then jump backward. Asfi then jumped in and threw oil on the eyes of the Goliath.

'Exploading oil...Smart,'

Another issue was the self-healing of the beast though, all attacks just got healed meaning you would have to go for a one-shot kill.

Reverse HeroHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin