𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 (𝐣𝐱𝐝𝐧)

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"hey guys its jaden and i am with get personal." jaden starts the intro.

"so today we will be talking about sexual but also sensitive topics including." jaden points to the bottom of the screen.

(the list they edited in)

-sex, sexual things used during it

"so let's get started." jaden smiles.

"so i heard u and nessa had a miscarriage, how are u dealing with that?"

"umm its really hard it is and nessa and i are heartbroken we wanted to have another kid and she wasn't sure she could get pregnant anymore but then she did  a few days later we went to the doctor and the baby was unalive and it was scary and we are in therapy right now trying to deal with it." jaden asks without showing his pain in his voice.

"after u and nessa got married were u still masterbating?"

jaden laughs a little.

"im not gonna lie i did but." jaden points to the screen before him knowing the person watching it was gonna say something. "i only do it because she doesn't want to have sex at the time and i respect that i do." jaden finishes.

"do u and nessa ever use sex toys?"

"yes we do but we only use about 1 or 2 that im not gonna name." jaden answers.

"nessa mentioned u were in rehab, did u say it was okay to talk about it and how was ur experience there or what happened?"

"yes i did say it was okay because nessa likes to he truthful when shes answering questions unless its something we hate to talk about like what happened with our daughter we don't want that out on the internet or anything." jaden explains.

"but when i went to rehab it was only my second time going and it was just eat, groups, take meds, and sleep." jaden lists off. "that was it." jaden adda.

"have u ever attempted suicide?"

"yea i've had 3 suicide attempt in my whole live." jaden reveals. "one was back in 2021 actually before i wrote and shooted pray and then again after i would say 12 months after that and then earlier this year when i got the news about my sister dying, when nori saw me going crazy, and when i wasn't being a good husband to ness like i should." jaden explains.

"what are the top 5 things u cant live without?"

"my family, coops hate and skull shirt, my ring, music, and all my fans." jaden lists off.

"any new projects coming out?"

"yes my album will hopefully be coming out in a few day."

"will u be able to make nessa's show?"

"i wont be there for the first 2 or 3 days because i have to work on my music but i will be supporting her from home and hoping to see her on her 4th show."

"thank u guys so much for watching and i hope u enjoyed it i love u all and goodbye." jaden smiles.

𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬ⁿᵃᵈᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now