With that Jimin had walked out of the studio leaving everyone...

Jimin had opened the door to get some fresh air, but he didn't even got the changes to breath in the cold winter air as a bag was placed over his head making everything turn black before his eyes. He could hear voices but with the headache he couldn't make out what they were saying. His blood was still boiling from the outburst in the studio and he didn't even know how to react when he felt his body being lifted and put in the back of a van before it started to drive away.


The bag was still covering Jimin's head, if he was being honest with himself the fact that he didn't see anything or hear anything, was actually calming him. His headache was still there but it still felt better like this. But there was an underlying fear, a fear he really tried to hide.

He was sitting on a wooden chair, his hands tied up behind his back and his leg wear tied to the chair. His eyes are getting heavier and it becomes more difficult for him to keep them open so he just falls asleep.

He didn't know how long he was asleep, what he did know was that his headache was finally gone.

A hand grabbed the bag from his head and he was staring into a pare of blue eyes, he took in the person in front of him. It was a small woman, blue eyes and long black hair tied up in a high ponytail. Behind her were two strong man, one with blond hair and a black suit while the other had dark hair but wearing the same suit.

"Look how cute he is." The woman says, her voice soft and kind.
"Is he really mine now?" she asks looking at someone behind Jimin who he couldn't see.
"Yes my little princess, he is all yours." It was the voice of a man.
"Thanks you father!" The woman says as she starts to hug Jimin.
"Oh oppa, I can't believe you are here." She says as he hugs him more tidily. Jimin was in total shock, not really understanding what was going on, it felt like he has lost his voice as he couldn't say anything. His mouth was just refusing.

"Oki, so let me see." She says as she takes a sit upon him making him jump, at least as far as he could as his body was still tied up.
"Oh no don't be afraid, I will not hurt you. You will like me." She says smiling as her hands go over his face.
"So soft" she says in a high pinch voice totally exited.
"Please don't." Jimin says, those are the first words he can speak as he hands are making her way towards his body.
"Cutie, you don't have anything to say. You mine." She says.
"Just don't touch me." Jimin says, feeling how the fear is reaching in his body but still not sure what to do. He tries to push her of, he tries to move.

A slap is heard in the small room, a red mark is left on his cheek. He was in total shock.

"Oh I am so sorry. Just don't make me do it again." She says.
"Your crazy, just get of me." Jimin says, finally finding back his defence. He tries to struggle again resulting in another slap in his face.
"I am a huge fan of you, but you are so different in real life." She says.
"You are not going to like me more the longer you keep me here." Jimin says.
"You have to get used to it boy." The man behind him speaks.
"I will fight and will not give up. Do you even know who I am." Jimin says.
"we know more than you realise." The man says.
"Than you know it is etter to let me go." Jimin says, trying to stay calm and kind.
"Oh no we can't. You are going to make my daughter really happy."
"You are going to like me very much." The girl says, now sitting back on Jimin lap. As again he tries to struggle but this time he is hit on the back of his head, but harder. Giving his head his headache back.
"Just let me go." Jimin says, as he keeps on struggling, he is fighting against the robes and the girl falls of his lap on the ground. The two man in the back come close to the girl and pick her up.
"I don't like him anymore dad." The girl says looking at Jimin as a tear slips down her cheek and that moment Jimin realises what he has done.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He says. "please just let me go."
"I hate him." The girl says walking out of the room leaving Jimin with the three man. He can feel all eyes on him and the two man nod and the man behind jimin and he can hear how the door closes leaving Jimin with the two man.

Before Jimin even realises what is happening he can feel kicks and slams against his body, his chair falls to the ground but the man don't stop.

Jimins thoughts go to the boys, to Namjoon, as the last time he saw them he walked out angry.

Angry at him, angry for no real reason just because he wasn't feeling right.

He was now crying and not because of the pain the man are causing. No because of the though of dying and not getting the changes to say he is sorry.

Just before everything gets black he can hear a voice say. "you're save now."


"JIMIN!" it is Jungkooks voice as Jimin opens his eyes slowly adjusting to the light in the room. He can feel how Jungkook and Taehyung are hugging him and as he looks around he can see the other members standing in the room looking sad.
"What happened?" Jimin asks his voice weak.

The boys explain everything what had happened, the police found him because of the tracker in the necklace. But he was passing out and didn't wake up for 4 hours.
"Do you remember anything?" Jin asks. Jimin remembers ever little detail, but he turns his head around to Namjoon.
"I am so sorry." He says as he starts to cry.
"No I am so sorry for breaking your phone and all the other things. I am a walking disasters. Please forgive me." Namjoon says also crying.
"No, it is not your fault. I was in a bad mood."
"I am so sorry I should have noticed."
"Can you please just stop. Before I make a reason to make you feel sorry." Yoongi says making the other laugh a little bit.

Jimin explains everything to the boys as they tell him that all of them are behind bars. The girl was not even 18 years old and her room was filled with stuff of him.
"18 for real?" Jimin was shocked. Thinking back about all the movements.
"Yeah, creepy right, she is used to get everything from her dad." Taehyung says.
"but he can never have our little angel." Hoseok says smiling.
"True, he will always be ours" Jungkook says. As Namjoon was the only one in the room left with Jimin it was quiet for a moment.

"Jimin-si, again. I am sorry for your phone. I have a new one for you." Namjoon says showing the phone and also showing earphones.
"you didn't have to, I know you didn't mean to."
"but I still did break it."
"I shouldn't had yelled at you. I know you clumsly." Jimin says making Namjoon smile. Jimin takes the phone and the earphones.
"Thank Joon-hyung." Jimin says. "you are right. A phone is not that important." 

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