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Chi quickly stood up from the bed. "Let me lock the door before they try make us join in their crackhead activit-"

"BUKAYOOOOO!" Yelled Leon, Donelle, Joshua, Jayden, Manny and a few other boys I didn't know, as they all bursted into the room, wearing blue Nike techs. Chi quickly jumped back on the bed, using me as a shield. Them boys ran in like one army.

It was a fucking circus. All I could was hear was "Bukayo" "Future baller", gun noises, random screaming, and these man were all jumping around the room, doing kart wheels, getting gassed over the fact that the baby was gonna be a boy, even tho the gender hadn't even been revealed yet.

Suddenly, during all the chaos, Manny stood on top of the bed, stepping on Chi and Princess' legs. They groaned in pain, however Manny ignored them.

"Ay you lot, you lot!" He cried, catching all the boys attention. He then began to clap, before singing with his atrocious voice.

"Here we go, oh!
Saka and Emile Smith Rowe!
And I like it,
I like it,
I like it,
I like it,
I la-la-like it,
La-la, like it,
Here we go, oh!
Saka and Emile Smith Rowe!"

The boys all joined in as they jumped around the room, clapping. Tiara, Ch, Princess and I all just stared at each other in confusion. Man said they were doing bc arsenal chants now.

Finally, they finished singing before cheering again, screaming "future baller" and shit. These man were such idiots.

"Chi your next fam. Stand over here!" Cried Donelle. He yanked Chi by the arm off the bed, and pinned her to the wall, before whipping out a phone from his pocket.

All the boys then joined us on Imani's bed, and I swear I could feel the bed about to break. It was like 12 boys all tryna fit on to one bed. Princess, Tiara and I all groaned as we struggled to breathe under all these guys.

"Aight, just say if you think it's a boy or girl." Explained Donelle to Chi, holding the tiktok camera up. "Be like, 'im the mums good friend' or whatever then be like 'and I think it's gonna be a boy' then scream Bukayo."

"But I think it's gonna be a girl." Responded Chi, screwing Donelle.

"And I don't give a fuck." He replied back. "Just say it's a boy for the tiktok."

"But I think it's gonna be a girl." repeated Chi sternly.

"Chi just say it's gonna be a boy, you dickhead. I'll pay you £10 if you do." Cried Manny, literally squishing me with his fat bum on top of me.

"Why the fuck are you here? Go make out with one of your hoes!!" Snarled Chi at Manny, causing the boys to "OOOO" at the moment. Such instigators.

"Shouldn't you be making out with Niyah, since you man both love the taste of Josiah's lipssss!" Manny argued back, making my jaw drop.

He hadn't stopped with these jokesss. It was pissing me off. Suddenly all the boys in the room started dying of laughter before spudding Manny like he'd just made the greatest joke of all time.

Princess covered her mouth, not trying to reveal that she was also laughing. Tiara just sat there awkwardly.

"Ay fuck you man!" Huffed out Chi. "I'm not doing the tik tok." Chi then walked out of the camera frame and to Imani's bed, before jumping on it, causing more of us to groan in pain, and for the bed to screech a bit. This shit was defo gonna break.

Manny suddenly stood up, his hands on his hips. "Aight, since Chi's moving long, Niyah why don't you do it?"

"Bro don't get me involved in you man's tiktoks fam!" I said in an annoyed tone. Manny rolled his eyes.

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