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The instant Jayden mentioned Manny and Tiara's names, the tension in the room began to rise.  Everything was uncomfortable and off-putting.

"I just... I just..." began Tiara.

Princess shook her head. "Let it all out babe, say everything you said to me on the call yester-"

"I just can't fucking believe you Manny! Like why! Why the fuck would you do this to me man! You knew how much I liked you. Like you're the first fucking guy I liked ever since I left my last toxic relationship. And you said you'd change for me! So why man! What the fuck. You lying piece of shit!" Cried Tiara, as we all watched in shock.

That anger came out of no where. She was proper hurt. We all turned to face Manny, who was still seeming unfazed as he browsed through tiktoks on his phone.

Pissed off, Jayden walked over to Manny to take his phone off him, when he then got distracted.

"Eufff, she's leng!" Smiled Jayden looking down at the screen.

"Ahlie. Imagine I'm linking her after this." Replied Manny, chuckling, causing all of our jaws to drop.

"You're flicking that, yeah? Nahhh no way you bagged that? You're hardddd bruv!" Laughed Jayden as the two began to dap each other up. The way all the girls in the room looked at each other in astonishment.

I've never met a man more unserious in my life. No way was a girl pouring her heart to you and you're too busy looking at another girl that you're going to link. I swear Manny deserved to be banged sometimes. He just pissed me off.

"Jayden!" Yelled Chi, causing Jayden to jump in shock. "Both of you, what the fuck!?"

"Oh yeah my bad..." Jayden chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, before grabbing Manny's phone out his hand and sitting back down on his seat. "Listen to the girl fam."

"Are you fucking serious Manny!?" cried Tiara as Manny yawned, looking over at her disinterested.

"Are you fucking serious!? Why are you acting like we were never together. Like we wouldn't spend every moment in each others arms! Like you wouldn't tell me you love me all the time." She yelled more, as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She was an emotional wreck.

You could tell she'd been holding this in since we arrived, and this was her moment to let out all her pain.  "I can't believe I fell for your fucking lies! Manny you meant so much to me. I was willing to do anything for you-"

"Whys the girl crying fam? Fucking jarring..." groaned Manny in a low volume, as he yawned once more. No fucking way.

I swear Manny really had me wanting to fucking strangle his neck. He was getting on my nerves. Everyone in the room grew enraged, as Tiara gasped in shock. She just couldn't believe the shit coming out his mouth.

"Are you dumb bruv?" Shouted Princess. "Maybe she's crying because you fucking cheated you slow bitch!"

"You were dating that Lusso girl for two months while we were together! And you didn't wanna tell me?! And then we caught you making out with that girl at prom, who knows the amount of people you cheated on me with."

"I can't lie you got no one to blame but yourself fam." Shrugged Manny, making us all gasp once more because what the fuck.

"Wha-wha" Tiara hesitated. "What do you mean?"

"You knew how I'm like, you knew I weren't loyal. I gave you all the signs that I was gonna cheat, all your friends warned you, but you still stayed. That ain't my fault." He spoke carelessly.

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