Chapter 22: Thunder rumbles - Memories (part 10)

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"Try a bit, we'll see what you can do to me without incurring dad's wrath," spat Taehyung, whose only advantage over his older brother had always been the influence he had over his parents and that Namjoon secretly dreaded. "I'll get you off your pedestal soon, and Jin will see that you're just a pathetic braggart. When you've become an uncrowned king, you'll be less proud of yourself."

He glared venomously at his brother and with marked hesitation, threw the same at Seokjin who tensed. Then, he joined Jimin who had just appeared in the crowd of students.

"I didn't mean to upset him..." Seokjin whispered.

"Don't feel guilty, it's not you who made him mad it was me and anyway he doesn't need us to get mad, he does it to himself. Believe me that before the end of the day he will have exploded more than once on others than us."

"Do you think he's going to get revenge on Seung?" Seokjin suddenly worried as he watched Taehyung disappear among the other students and searched his eyes for Seung.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything for now," Namjoon assured.

"How do you know?"

"Because I control this school and at the moment, he does not yet have a sufficient network of friends to stand up to me. Given his pig-like character, it's even possible that he never gets there."

Seokjin chuckled relieved but guilty.

"I shouldn't laugh, that's mean," he scoffed himself.

"Yes, what a mean, despicable person you are Jinnie! The worst of all," Namjoon scoffed affectionately patting his head reassuringly and giving him a smile. "Don't feel guilty, he deserves to be left alone and he doesn't deserve your compassion. You should go join your friends now, everyone knows you're under my protection," he said, nodding to the people who were still watching them and who would be sure to warn the absents of the special bond that bound together Seokjin to Namjoon. "Come see me whenever you want: when you have a problem or when you just want to spend time with me, it would make me happy, okay?"

"Okay, thank you very much Joonie!" Seokjin thanked him, returning to his usual warm smile, sincerely glad that Namjoon was here with him.

Watching him walk away, Namjoon realized how happy he was that Seokjin was finally in the same school as him. He had patiently waited for this moment, brushing aside the obstacles that had tried to get in the way. Now he was going to show Seokjin that of the two Kims, it was he who should receive his trust and affection. He was going to destroy Taehyung by taking away Seokjin's friendship.

As Namjoon had predicted, for several weeks, Taehyung didn't do anything except make everyone understand that they should definitely not upset him. However, he was increasingly surrounded by a group of people who spread fear whenever they could in Taehyung's name.

Even though Namjoon often mocked Taehyung saying that they weren't friends but a gang of idiot and sycophantic courtiers, Seokjin was afraid of what mischief his newfound influence over middle school students might cause him to commit. Because if Taehyung had felt powerful from the first day of school without knowing anyone, now he must have felt even more powerful. So Seokjin usually kept away from him, or rather, he kept Seung away from Taehyung so that the latter wouldn't have anything to blame his friend for, since the two were unable to get along.

Even though Taehyung was unhappy that he didn't want to stay with him, Seokjin forbade himself from spending time with him. Indeed, he was absolutely convinced after the first day that didn't belong in Taehyung's circle of influence as Mr. and Mrs. Kim had told him and he thought it better not to stay with Taehyung too much. He still had in mind that Taehyung didn't appreciate him defending him and that he felt humiliated.

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