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Love resembles war. Simple to start but difficult to stop.


Gunshots echoed around the whole building. People around me were screaming at each other and shooting. I can make out few voices in the distance shouting at each other. I couldn't clearly hear them but I think they are fighting. I closed my eyes not caring if the bullets could hit me. My mind wandered to Aria and the things happened today.


"What the hell happened here?" I felt someone move me towards a room and my body touched something soft. I am sure I was laid on a bed now. "What did you do to her?" Aria screamed at Evan making me wince. My head was pounding and her screaming wasn't helping at all."You said you will let her go if I listen to you"

"You lied to me" she held my hand and cried. I wanted to wipe her tears but I couldn't. I was in no position to move myself. "She deserves this for separating us" what the hell is he talking about? "How many times should I tell you that you are not in love with me? It is just an obsession" I don't know from where Aria got so confidence? She was always timid and kind girl. "You will not talk back to me" I tried to move but groaned when I felt pain throughout my body. "Y/n" I felt someone push me to the ground and I cried out in pain.

"Stop" Aria moved towards me and my eyes closed not having the energy to stay awake anymore.

"Y/n" I felt someone shook me to get my attention but I couldn't move or open my eyes at all."Somebody help me" I heard screaming and my body gave up completely.

Third person:

"I need to get Y/n" Yoongi yelled at Jalen who was shooting at Evan recklessly. He wanted to hit his head for being an idiot. He is literally open firing at him when Y/n and Aria are still in danger. "I will give you cover" he replied moving inside. Ignoring his stupidity Yoongi walked inside to get Y/n. He moved towards her and scooped her in his arms. "Aria let's get out of here"

"Aria" she didn't budge from her place and Yoongi was getting irritated. "Evan isn't here" he sighed looking at her dishevelled state. "Hey, cops will find him. I need you to come with me so that we can stay safe" he tried to reason with her but she shook her head. "He will kill us all" he shook her head hardly. "He won't touch you again"

"Get them out of here now" Jalen shouted at him when he saw more people were emerging in to the floor. "Let's go" he pulled Aria with her elbow and walked downstairs. It was difficult for him to move as he is holding Y/n in his arms and dragging Aria with him. "Are you ok?" Hoseok appeared at the stairs and asked him. "I could use some help"

"Take her" Yoongi pointed to Aria who was still in daze to Hoseok. "Where is Jimin?" he asked when that boy nowhere to be found. "He is helping some of the house staff" he nodded his head moving towards the main road. They were just a minute away when someone stopped them. "Not so fast"

"I am not letting them go" Yoongi was meeting Evan first time. Tall built muscular form with six and half feet he looked like a giant. He looked rather handsome with his silver grey eyes and sharp jaw with defined nose and perfect facial features. No one would be able to guess he is monster behind his facade. He is perfect example of do not judge a book by its cover.

"She is mine" he roared making Yoongi clench his jaw. "You will pay for hurting her" Yoongi warned him before swinging a punch at him. Evan stumbled not expecting him to hit. "Take her" he passed Y/n to Hoseok and walked towards Evan. "I don't care who you are. You hurt my girl now you will pay for it" he started punching him without giving him chance to recover.

Evan isn't someone who can go down with few punches. He pushed him and turned around so he has upper hand. He started punching Yoongi hard. "I will kill you" Evan was full on rage and everyone around them felt a chill ran though them. His punches were brutal and Yoongi wasn't a trained fighter so he was losing the fight.

"Let him go" they heard a voice and looked up. "You think you can kill me mi cara?" Evan smirked looking at shaking figure in front of him. "I will if you don't stop this" he chuckled knowing she is not capable of doing it. "Try me" he raised his hand to punch him again but stopped when a bullet pierced through his stomach.

"Aria?" she shot him again in the chest this time. "I hate you" she screamed at him shooting him again. "You ruined our lives. You never loved me. You just liked the fact I was submissive. I wish I knew this before falling in love with you. It would have saved us all of our lives" Evan face was void of emotions and he was clutching his stomach in pain.

Aria fell to the floor and cried her heart out when Evan closed his eyes. Though it was his obsession she loved him. She can't help but cry for the man she fell in love with even if it was just an act of his. "Why do you have to be like this?" she mumbled looking at his body which laid on the cold floor now. "You ruined me" she was mentally exhausted because of him and she lost four years of her child life. She was miserable with all the things happening in her life.

"Hey" Yoongi grabbed her shoulders. "It's ok. You are fine now" Aria moved around and held on to Yoongi like her life depended on it. He understood she is in misery and need a hug from her loved ones. Though he is not so great comforting others he still let her hold him for the sake of her sanity. Yoongi looked up when he sae Jalen walk in to the room. He checked Evan and confirmed he is dead.

Everything was over now. They can take a breath in relief. Yoongi thought in relief but he totally forgot the state Y/n was in. Hoseok ran in when he realized the shooting stopped. Yoongi became alert when he saw Hoseok. "What is it?" he felt like his world will collapse if he talks which was true. "Y/n is not breathing" just like that ground slipped from Yoongi feet and he cried running towards Y/n like his life depended on it.


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