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My heart is, and always will be, yours.

"Hi" Y/n greeted receptionist. "I am looking for Yoongi" the girl behind the desk raised an eye brow at her words. No one calls Mr. Min by his name in the company. So this felt odd to her. "May I know the purpose of visit?" Y/n mentally rolled her eyes at attitude she was giving. Though her words seemed normal the look she gave was rude. "Can you tell him Y/n is here to visit him?"

"I can't disturb him without a prior meeting ma'am sorry" she sighed turning around to leave. This was a bad idea. She should have called him or met him at his house in evening. But she had to come all the way to his office when she doesn't even have an appointment. She was originally going to visit Hart house but while Tom was driving she thought she should visit Yoongi. So here she is standing in front of his building without a clue of what to do.

"Miss. Y/n" she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Jimin. She met him last time when he visited with Yoongi. "Good to see you again" she smiled at him. "Are you here for Yoongi hyung?" she nodded her head hoping he can help. "He went to visit you"

"Why?" he shrugged his shoulder. "I can take you there if you want" she told him she can manage and drove back to office with Tom. She walked to her office once she got in but to her surprise Yoongi wasn't there. "Hi" Hoseok greeted her when she walked in. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you but you weren't here" she nodded knowing she was late. Usually she comes on time but today she made one more stop so she got delayed. "We cancelled our meetings today" she frowned looking at him. "Can you go and visit a site. I need to drop my sister at airport" his sister came to Y/n birthday party and stayed for few days along with everyone.

"What is the address?" he sent her the location and told her to inspect it. This is part of the bidding they are going to work on later. Tom drove her to the location and she told him to wait in the entrance. She looked around the area and found single house.

It was kind of community property development and houses were still in construction. She can spot few houses hardly. But this place is going to be very popular. She already sensed it. She walked in following the map and stopped at a house. It was a two story Victorian model house with white walls and dark blue roof.

It has small balcony area which was roof covered and a small garden in the left with few lounge chairs and table. She knocked on the door but no one responded. She was about to leave when door opened. She cautiously walked in and stood awed by the interior. Living room was beautiful with same white walls and white furniture which was highlighted by blue articles.

She walked to the small table in the middle of room and found a small note. She opened it and smiled when she read it.

We can watch all your favourite dramas and movies in this room.

P.s. I won't get mad if you fan girl over those vampires.

She chuckled folding the note. She walked towards the kitchen looking for any notes. Once you enter the house on the left it was living room which was designed a step down where as on the right side it has kitchen and dining area. Dining table was made up of white Italian marble with blue plates and ornaments on it. She spotted second note on it.

You can sit here and enjoy the scenery as much as you want

She turned to her left and indeed there was beautiful forest scenery which was visible from the glass partition. She moved in to kitchen and found a small note on island.

This is where you will sit I will cook delicious food for you.

By now she had full grin on her face. She couldn't wait to explore the remaining house. She walked the stairs and found three bedrooms and two bathrooms similar to remaining house design. Her hands were now full with the notes.

We can cuddle and talk for hours just like we used to every time we spend together

Our families can use these rooms when they visit us. I made sure they can't disturb us

She opened the door and gasped seeing beautiful balcony on the terrace. It had swimming pool on one side and on other side few chairs were placed with different plants. Gentle breeze made her shiver. She rubbed her arms closing her eyes to feel the wind.

She opened her eyes when she felt something warm around her arms. She turned around and looked at him. He was standing in front of her with a smile. He was wearing black button up with black trousers. He was holding a bouquet in his hands. "Yoongi wh"

"Please let me talk" she stopped and let him talk. "Nothing made sense in my life until I met you. You were the sole existence and happiness of my life. I made lot of mistakes and stupid things which made me lose you but I want to correct those mistakes. If you give me a chance I will make it up to you for the rest of my life and never fail to trust you or show how much I love you"

"Don't worry, I am not proposing yet but I want you to know that I never stopped loving you all these years. Would you give me chance to prove my love again?" he sat on his knee and held the bouquet for her. She jumped in to his arms knocking him on the ground. "Idiot" he chuckled hearing her endeavours for him.

"I will kill you if you leave me this time" she buried her face in his chest mumbling those words. "I am not leaving you again. I would rather die than leave you" he tightened his arms around her enjoying the feeling. It felt too nice to be real. If it is a dream he didn't want it to end. "Yoongi let me go"

"I am comfortable like this" she slapped his chest half getting up. "You are crushing the flowers" he looked down and saw the bouquet was crushed between them making all the petals fall on them. "I will get you a new one" she chuckled at his words laying down in his arms. 

Author Note:

Hello readers... So finally Yoongi and Y/n are together. Do you think she forgave him quickly?

Is Yoongi genuine about his feelings?

Let me know your thoughts in comments.

Don't forget to vote as they keep me motivated. 


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