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It's not because I love you. It's because I only love you. If it is not you then I won't have anyone else.

Yoongi leaned against the car looking at Y/n. He smiled seeing she was impressed. He spent whole day preparing for this and he would be damned if she didn't like the surprise. When she rambled about the things she craved he instantly made his mind to help her make it happen.

Y/n couldn't believe her eyes. They stood near the edge of the cliff from where they can see whole city. It has perfect view of sunset too. Two feet away from her a blanket is spread on the floor with two cushions. Beside it is a picnic box and she can smell delicious chicken from where she is standing. "What is this all about?" she gestured her hand around asking him. "You said you wanted to spent some time like this"

"Thank you" she couldn't help but say that when he went through this all for her. "Let's eat" he scratched his neck. Y/n smiled knowing he is nervous. Yoongi ears and neck turn red when he is nervous or shy. "Sure" she took a seat on the blanket and Yoongi sat beside her placing the basket in front of them. He opened the box and delicious smell of chicken and sandwiches hit her nose. "You made this"

"Yeah" she smiled at him taking a bite of food. They didn't talk much as they enjoyed the scenery. Y/n felt serene at the moment but she couldn't stop the nagging feeling in her mind. She enjoyed her time with him but at the same time she can't forget he is here to ruin her. "I know you like this dish so I prepared it" she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her favourite dessert.

"Try it" he pushed the plate towards her and waited for her reaction. "It tastes same" he smiled satisfied at her answer. They finished eating and sat looking at the sunset. Wind was too harsh and it kept messing her hair. Every two minutes she would remove her hair from her face. She moved her head to remove hair when she caught Yoongi side profile.

He was wearing plain black shirt with black jeans and black boots. His blonde hair is turning in to black as the colour faded. It looked like brown hair with blonde streaks now. But it did look good on him. His pale skin made him shine in sun light. He somehow looked like vampires from those movies with shining skin, pink lips and firm cheekbones and all. She chuckled at her comparison making Yoongi to look at her.

"What?" she shook her head smiling. "Nothing" an excited glint flashed in his eyes like a child in candy store. "You were checking me out" Y/n choked on air hearing his words. "I was not" he gave her a wide grin "I know you do" she faked a frown though she was freaking out inside. "In your dreams"

"Why dream when it can happen in real life" she scoffed at his over confidence. "I don't think so" she got up as it was getting late. The peace and happiness were long gone as she realized she can't be the same person around Yoongi anymore. What they had is in the past now. It can't happen again. She was about to get in the car when Yoongi stopped her. "Please" he don't know what he is requesting for but she can't ask him either. It was funny how the mood changes 180 degrees within a minute. But anything can happen when Yoongi is involved with Y/n. "It is getting late. We should leave"

"Let us talk clearly first then we can leave" she sighed and stared at the ground mindlessly. For the last five years she imagined talking to him. There were many versions of the interaction she had in her mind.

In one version, Yoongi asks her the reason and she tells him about everything. He apologizes and tells her he is sorry for everything. In second version, he calls her a liar and leaves her to suffer alone.

There were more scenarios where she ended up alone without him. She is not afraid of telling him the truth. She is afraid of losing him again. The pain she felt then was immense and she don't think she could survive again. "Let's go" she pulled her hand away and opened the car door. "I am sorry for everything"

"I was an idiot for doubting you. You are my friend, lover and everything. You are the reason for my existence. I should have never listened to Lucas that day. My only regret is walking away from you without letting you explain" Y/n turned around when she heard Lucas name. Yoongi was sitting on the ground on his knees holding his head in his hands. The sight broke her heart as she couldn't see him any pain.

"What do you mean?" he raised his head and looked at her. "What did Lucas tell you?" she asked when she realized he didn't understand her question. "He -" he hesitated thinking how much it will pain her to hear this.

"He has been trying to sabotage our relationship since you went to college. I never listened to his words but you were acting different when you came back. You would leave or pay less attention to me. You were always with Hoseok and Lucas showed me pictured of you with Hoseok which were inappropriate" she gasped at his words. "You believed him"

"I am sorry" she couldn't believe his words. She never gave him a single reason to doubt her in six years of their relationship. So how could Yoongi think of her like that? Out of all people he thought she would cheat on him with Hoseok. "I wasn't thinking straight. Later Lucas showed me you are dating Hoseok and you both are handling the company together so I believed him"

"Why didn't you ask me?" he ran a hand throw his hair getting up from the ground. "I guess I was an idiot" she chuckled humourlessly. "Why did you come back now?" she know the reason but she wanted to hear it from him. She had hoped it was all misunderstanding. But the words he spoke next broke her heart. "Initially it was for revenge" tears fell from her eyes even though she tried her best mask the emotions. "I truly want you back. I don't have any other motives now" she bit her lip to prevent from crying. "You are lying" she couldn't fool herself anymore. She knows he came back to ruin her. She listened to her conversation with Lucas.

"Please trust me. I don't want to do anything with company or Lucas" he explained everything to her as it was best. The reason for their breakup was misunderstanding. If only they talked about it clearly things wouldn't have been this way. He made mistake once and he won't repeat it even again. "I am sorry for what I have done but believe me I have no intentions to go any further"

"I still love you and you are the only one I have loved in my whole life" it was true. Yoongi lost his mother when he was a kid and his father never showed him love. He only forced him to be best and she is the only important person in his life. "I need some time" he understood he can't have her back within a day so he decided to drop her at home. He could only hope she will give him a chance to prove his love to her. 

Author Note:

Hello readers... As promised I have updated next chapter. Hope you enjoy reading it. What do you think Y/n should do now? 

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