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Right person at the wrong time is worst thing ever.


I have been thinking about what Jin hyung said whole weekend. I didn't think before but what if Y/n really not dating Hoseok. What if there was something else I missed that day? I had what if thoughts two days that I am getting headache right now.

"Jimin" I called my personal secretary who has been with me since I started company. "Yes boss" he walked in with his poker face. "I need you to find out about someone" I told him passing the photos of Hoseok and Chloe. "Check if they are really dating and see what kind of relation he has with y/n"

"Are you talking about Y/n from AR enterprises?" I nodded my head which made him surprise. "Is there any problem?" he shook his head. Again his face is back to emotionless. "No boss. I will get back you to with details" he walked away taking the photos with him. Jimin has been professional since he joined the company. He keeps it simple and talks only when it is required and never bothers me with unnecessary things. I liked him for that.

I checked time and sighed when I realized I should visit Y/n to work on the project. I looked at the people sitting in the living room. I forgot my lock and had to call the security for replacing the lock.

Can you come to my house so we can work on the project?

I messaged her hoping we can work in my home. I have to finish the project soon as construction work has to start in next month.

My apartment lock is tampered. I cannot leave my house if you are wondering

I mentioned the reason to her in case she gets wrong idea. I don't want to trouble her until I get the clarity about what happened on our wedding day. I don't know what I would do if I messed up. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw her reply. I smiled reading her message. She is coming.

I quickly had a shower and changed in to track pant and grey t-shirt. I was drying my hair when I heard a knock. "Yes?" I turned around to see who it is. "They changed the lock and new password has been set. They all left" I nodded at Jimin and walked out of with him. "Are you coming to office?"

"I will be working at home today. Call me if you need anything" he left after that and I waited for Y/n to come. I walked in to kitchen hoping to prepare something. I have been too occupied with everyone I didn't had time to have breakfast. Maids also left so I don't have a chance but to prepare something for myself. On the contrary I can order something.

Y/n will also join me for lunch so I can order something. I decided eat toast since it is almost time for lunch. I had a glass of juice with toast and cleaned the dishes. I wiped my hands before checking the phone. Before I can check the time door bell rang.

"Hi" I greeted Y/n as soon as I opened the door. "Please get in" I moved to give her space to walk in. "Coffee?" she was looking around the house so I gestured her to sit. "I brought the files and laptop with me"

"Great" I took the file from her and checked it. "I highlighted the details Jin asked us to change"

"I think we should change fire exit in this building" I felt her move closer to me and I shifted a little so that she can read the file. "Are you ok?" I asked her when I saw she was looking tired. "You look pale" before I can say anything she fell down on me.

"Y/n" I panicked seeing her in this state. "Hey" I lightly shook her but got no response. I pulled her in to my arms and carried her to my room upstairs. I placed her on the bed and checked her forehead. She doesn't have fever or cold. "Jimin" I called him worried. "Can you bring doctor to my home?"

"I am fine" I groaned at Jimin stupid questions. "Y/n fainted and I need a doctor now" I sighed ruffling my hair. "Fine. Come quick"

I looked at Y/n and saw her sweating. I removed her shoes and switched on the AC. I moved her hair from her face and wiped the seat off her forehead. I stopped wiping when I saw her closely. She looked tired even when she is sleeping. Her lips turned in to frown even in sleep and her eyes had dark circles. Her once black hair is now dark brown with curls.

She wasn't the type to change anything in her appearance. She never liked changes much. Aria would often force her to try different styles and she would decline every time. "Boss" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the door to see Jimin. "Please come in" I gestured the doctor to come in. "She fainted out of the blue"

"She doesn't have fever" I waited for him to explain completely. "It seems she is not eating properly. She fainted due to lack of food and stress. Give her good rest and she will be fine" he injected something to her saying it is to avoid fever. "Give her something to eat once she wake up"

I thanked him and asked Jimin to get me some porridge and soup for her. "I ordered the food and some groceries for you. You can get it in few minutes" he left after that and I waited beside her bed for her to wake up.

I paid and took the food from delivery boy. I placed the food in tray and carried in to my room. "Hi" I smiled when I saw Y/n awake. "You should eat white it is warm" I placed it beside her bed and looked at her. "What happened?"

"You fainted. I called doctor and he said you fainted due to stress" she didn't respond so I pushed the tray towards her. "I am not hungry. We need to work on the project" I sighed at her words. "We can work on it tomorrow. You need to rest"

"I don't have time for this Mr. Min. I have other meetings post lunch so I better leave" she was about to get up but I stopped her. "We can work if you finish this plate" she looked at the plate then me. "I promise to work on it. I can bring the files here while you eat" she nodded her head defeated. I waited until she started eating then went downstairs to grab the files.

I grabbed my plate too since I didn't eat and took it upstairs. "I will bring the files" I told her coming back to grab the files. I stopped in track when I heard the phone ring. I walked over to the table and saw Y/n phone. I decided to take it with her but it slipped from my hand. I fell down and somehow call was answered.

I tried to disconnect the call but I froze when Iheard the voice on other side. "Mommy"

Author Note:

Hello readers... This chapter is not edited so please ignore the mistakes.

I have been dealing with some issues so I couldn't update it. I will try to update this week again.

Comment and vote while reading.


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