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Love cannot live when there is no trust

"Can you turn it off?" she glared at the radio system in the car. "Nope" she pushed a button to change the song but she ended up groaning. It seems all the channels were not helping not so annoying human being who she was avoiding. First song when they got in was 'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston. Then she changed the channel and landed on 'she is the one' by Robbie Williams.

Now when she changed she is listening to Gotta be you by One Direction. If it was a normal circumstance she would have enjoyed the song but being with Yoongi made it annoying to her.

He was singing every lyric like he is talking to her which made her angrier. She huffed turning off the radio and leaning against the window. "Hey, I was listening to it" he switched it on and started singing again. She closed her eyes leaning against the window hoping he will stop singing.

Yoongi had a good music taste but not a good voice. He is good at rapping and slow songs but listening to him sing one direction so loudly amused her. She was itching to laugh at his cute attempts to make her smile but she decided against it. Rest of the journey was pretty much same. She lost her will and started laughing at some point.

Yoongi know he made fool of himself but it was worth to see her laugh. He missed spending time with her so care freely. It was his fault for not listening to her. He missed out on the five years of memories just because he listened to his stupid step brother. He sighed unknowingly making Y/n title her head.

"Are you ok?" she asked before she can stop herself. "Better than ever" he gave her cheekiest smile which made Y/n regret asking him a little. Soon they reached their location and walked in. "This looks so deserted" Y/n commented seeing how far it is from city. There is no other building in sight and all they can see is big trees and empty land. "This is going to be new part of the city"

"They are planning to develop few buildings here" he explained to her about the details he learned from Jin. She listened intently as there is a chance she can get more projects here. "Did the bidding completed for these lands?" she took pictures of the semi constructed building. "They are starting next month" she hummed in reply looking around the place to find more details.

They already started with the basement and few basic details. She climbed up to observe the more of the area. It won't take much time to complete the building construction at this pace. "I can pitch for you if you are interested in the bidding" Yoongi suggested making her look at him. "I will see" she dismissed not wanting to take help from him.

They walked to the next building which seemed like a two story house. Construction was nearly completed. "This is one of Jin friend's house" Yoongi answered her knowing she doesn't know. "This looks beautiful" she said looking around the house. Painting and finishing is all left to this house. Everything else has been completed. "Wow. They have beautiful view from kitchen" she smiled excitedly walking towards the kitchen.

From the window in kitchen they can see large trees lined up on the border. It looked like green trees are covered with blue blanket. The view was worth watching. "This place going to amazing once it is finished" she couldn't help but love this place. Coming to house like this after a day full of work will give you serene and warmth. "It does but I don't think you would spend much time in kitchen anyway"

"What do you mean?" she narrowed her eyes at him in accusing manner. "You never liked cooking" it is true. She knows how to cook and bake but she wasn't interested to do so. Most of the times Yoongi would cook for them and he enjoyed it. Yoongi would prepare her breakfast before she woke up and leave to his work or college. "So what?"

"I can enjoy the view while you cook" she would often sit on the island watching him cook dinner on evenings and they would enjoy each other presence. "Yes. I could cook every meal if you keep me company" she blushed which made her face go red. Yoongi has been open with his feelings. He would bluntly tell her he miss her or want to make out with her. It was rather odd but she got used to it as the time went on.

"We won't end up cooking if I keep you company" he chuckled at her words. "Then we can order takeout and enjoy a movie while dinner" she smiled imagining her times with him. "I would prefer watch in bed than couch" she commented. "We can have a television in our bed room" our. She liked the sound of it. She wanted to spend her life with him just like he said but it can't happen.

Her smile dropped as she realized what the hell was going on. She was chatting with Yoongi like they are still together and this is their home. In reality they came to look for house. She shook her head ignoring all the thoughts. "I think we should leave. It is getting late" Yoongi sensed her mood has changed. He wanted her to forget their fights for some more time. Last few minutes felt great to him.

"Ok" he walked out sighing loudly. He can't blame her for acting this way. He is the one who ruined their perfect relation with his stupid insecurity. If only he thought logically that day he would have been happily married by now. They might have started family of their own. He couldn't help but remember their conversation in past.

"She is so cute" Y/n gushed looking at a small baby girl in the crib. One of her cousin gave birth to baby yesterday and they came to visit her. "She is looking at you" she slapped Yoongi arm making him chuckle at her antics. "I am going to visit her more often" at this the baby made small noise making Y/n squeal in happiness.

They spent some more time together before going back. "Do you like kids?" her question caught him off guard. "I do" he answered her truthfully. "Let's buy a house and start our family in that house" he looked at her shocked. "Are you asking me to move in with you?" he asked her amused. "Yes" she said without care making him frown. "I was supposed to ask you that"

"I don't believe in stereo types" he knows she is right. If given a chance she would propose to him too. "We can have the best view of the house and you can cook every day for me" he laughed listening to her rambling. "Am I the only who is going to work all day?" she turned to him smiling cheekily. "I will encourage you with smiles and kisses" they both burst in laughter at her imagination.

"Thanks for the ride" she unbuckled her seatbelt and walked inside without looking at him. He can't help but curse himself as he ruined a beautiful future they could have.

 He can't help but curse himself as he ruined a beautiful future they could have

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