As they worked, Luna began to relax, purring softly as they cleaned her. They carefully washed her ears and wiped her eyes, making sure to get rid of any dirt or grime.

Once they were done, they wrapped her in a soft towel, drying her off and making sure she was warm and dry. Then, Jisung carefully put a cat belt with a small bell around her neck to make sure that she always made noise as she walked around the house. „Here you go baby," Jisung whispered in awe.

With Luna cleaned and refreshed, Jisung and Minho turned their attention to their other feline companions—Soonie, Dongie, and Dori. They knew it was important to introduce Luna slowly and cautiously to ensure a smooth transition for everyone.

Jisung grabbed a few treats and divided them among the cats. He approached Soonie, the oldest and wisest of the bunch, and offered him a treat lovingly. Soonie sniffed curiously, recognizing the familiar scent of a newcomer, and tentatively accepted the treat. Jisung gave him a gentle pat on the head, reassuring him that everything was alright.

Meanwhile, Minho started the same process with Doongie, the playful and mischievous one, and Dori, the shy and timid cat. He made sure both of them felt included and loved before proceeding with the introduction to Luna.

After a few days of carefully orchestrated interactions, the four cats started to adjust to one another. Luna became more comfortable exploring her new surroundings, constantly accompanied by the soft jingling of her bell. Her bond with Jisung and Minho grew stronger each day, as they showered her with love and attention.

As for Soonie, Doongie, and Dori, they gradually became accepting of their new sibling. They would often nestle with Luna, grooming her and extending their feline camaraderie. They formed a peculiar yet beautiful family, each cat having their unique personality and role.

Jisung and Minho were diligent in giving equal attention and affection to all their cats, ensuring that none of them felt left out. They cherished every moment, whether it was playtime with the cats or cuddling together on the sofa.

The addition of Luna not only brought a new burst of energy and joy into their lives but also strengthened the bond between Jisung and Minho. They made a promise to always provide a safe and loving home for their furry family, embracing the joy and challenges that came with it.

For the next few days, Jisung and Minho took extra care to make sure that Luna felt loved and included, while also paying attention to the needs of their other cats. They made sure to dedicate time to each of their cats, giving them individual attention and playtime.

As Luna grew more comfortable in her new home, they continued to take care of her. They made sure that she was getting the right food and enough water, and they took her to the vet for regular check-ups.

They also made sure to socialize Luna with other cats and humans, making sure that she learned how to interact with other cats and people in a safe and healthy way.

With time, Luna became a beloved member of their animal family. She would run and play with the other cats, and she would cuddle up next to Jisung or Minho at night. She had found her forever home, and Jisung and Minho were grateful for every moment that they got to spend with her.

Jisung and Minho were cuddled up on the couch, their four cats playing around them as they watched TV. Jisung turned to Minho and said, "You know, it's funny. We've been together for years, and we have four cats - no kids, just cats."

Minho smiled and replied, "Yeah, who would have thought we'd be a cat family?"

Jisung chuckled, "I guess it just worked out that way. They're like our children, though."

Minho nodded in agreement, "Definitely. And they give us so much joy and laughter. I couldn't imagine life without them."

Jisung leaned in and kissed Minho on the forehead, "Me neither. I'm so lucky to have you and our furry family."

Minho snuggled closer, "I feel the same way. Every moment with you and the cats is a blessing."

They spent the rest of the night in each other's arms, watching their cats play and feeling grateful for the love and warmth they shared.


just a quick cute chapter on our side ship babies and their growing family.
1:11am, make a wish

 1:11am, make a wish

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i'm so in love

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