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Phantom's POV:

I knocked on the door, feeling more excited than I had in a long time. I hadn't heard much about the band before I was told they were looking for a new guitarist. However, what I had heard was overwhelmingly positive, and I was looking forward to playing with them.

The door opened, and my heart raced.

"Hi," I greeted them shyly. Everyone was there. I could see faces with nice, friendly smiles, but I also noticed a couple of people who didn't seem too thrilled that I had suddenly arrived, which made my smile shrink.

"Welcome, Phantom! Come on in, and I'll show you to your room so you can get rid of your things," Copia greeted me with a smile on his lips.

So, I entered, passing by all the ghouls, and let Copia lead me to my room.

"So, here's your key. There you go! Swiss's room is to your left. He's always very open and will gladly help you if you have any questions."

"...everyone else will probably be willing to help you too, but I think you might need to win them over a bit. You'll manage!" Copia said.

I entered my room and was somewhat surprised by how much space there was. It didn't look that big from the outside. I began unpacking my luggage, taking my guitar out of its case and carefully placing it in the living area.

I had received it from my father for my 18th birthday, and that's why it went almost everywhere with me. I sorted my clothes into the wardrobe when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it.

Facing me was a rather tall ghoul with curly black hair, smiling at me in a friendly manner.

"Hey, I'm Swiss, and the little guy behind me is Sodo. Welcome to our place!"

"We just wanted to let you know that you can join us for dinner in half an hour, if you'd like? The cafeteria is down the hallway and then directly to the left."

"Thank you, I'd love to! See you later!"

"See you later!"

With that, they said their goodbyes, and I closed the door again to continue unpacking my things and take a quick shower.

It was now 7 pm, so I headed to the cafeteria. I saw Swiss and Sodo sitting at a table by a window, fairly centrally located in the room, so I walked over to them.

"Hey, I wanted to thank you again," I said.

"No problem. We're glad you're here!" Swiss said, and Sodo stared at him almost like he was transfixed before looking away. He glanced at his hands resting on the table, fidgeting with them. Swiss noticed and briefly squeezed his hands to stop him. Sodo looked at him with wide eyes, and Swiss pulled him into a short hug.

Sodo apologized briefly before excusing himself to go to the restroom. It was clear he didn't feel entirely comfortable.

"Sorry, Sodo is a bit shy when new band members arrive. It always takes a while, but I'm sure he'll start chatting your ear off soon," Swiss laughed.

"It's not a big deal. I'm pretty shy at first too. You... you seem to know him quite well, don't you?"

"Yeah, well... we're just... really good friends," his answer almost sounded like a question.

"Ah, okay, just friends. What do you do on stage, by the way?"

Back in my room, I collapsed onto the bed. The flight here had really exhausted me. However, I was very happy to be here and grateful that Swiss had been so open with me, showing me around the building. I just hoped that the others would warm up to me over time.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand next to me.

S: I hope you arrived safely? ♥


I don't read through this anymore, it's just too uncomfortable for me. If anything sounds wrong, please write to me, then I'll look over it again.

Insecurity's (english version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon