Lights out

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Swiss pov:

Shit. Pneumonia. We should have just stayed inside; it was too cold outside to play football. He looked so drained, lying there in bed, pale and weak. It hurt to see him like this, so motionless.

For a week now, the other Ghouls and I have been taking care of him, but he didn't seem to be getting any better. He couldn't even go to the bathroom without almost collapsing.

Every night, I lay behind Sodo, wrapping my arms around his frail body. My worry for him seemed to grow every hour as his fever didn't seem to improve; in fact, it was getting worse despite the medication. Carefully, so as not to wake him, I placed my hand on his forehead, feeling how much hotter he was than just half an hour ago.

I gently stood up to get a glass of water, went into the living area, grabbed a glass and a bottle of water. When I returned to the room, I noticed no rise and fall of Sodo's chest, which was unusual because he had been breathing quickly and shallowly due to the pneumonia.

I approached him, trying to wake him up. "Sodo, wake up," I said, shaking him, something that usually got him to wake up.

"Dew... please... don't mess with me now," he whispered.


Only then did I notice how blue his lips were, which made me freeze for a moment. Shit!

I picked Sodo up and carried him. I ran through the corridor to the common room, with Sodo's lifeless body in my arms, until I saw Rain, Cumulus, and Cirrus sitting on the couch.

"Swiss? What...?" Cirrus started to ask and then cut off his question.

"What happened?"

"I... he... Sodo... he has such blue lips... a-and he's not breathing... I don't know what to do," I stammered.

My strength gave out, so I carefully placed Sodo on the couch. I collapsed next to him, and tears flowed uncontrollably down my face.

I was pulled up onto my feet and moved to the side. I barely registered Cirrus speaking to me, as I just sat on the couch, burying my face in my hands.

The fear of losing him was tearing me apart.

After several minutes, when I lifted my head, I noticed that no one was here anymore, so I retreated to my room.

I stumbled over a hoodie lying on the bedroom floor. I picked it up, initially intending to toss it in the laundry, but then I stopped and took a deep breath, smelling Sodo's scent on it. I had been so afraid for him.

My heart ached with an intensity that was almost unbearable, and tears streamed down my face as I remembered the beautiful moments I had shared with Sodo, each thought of him causing a painful stab in my heart.

Cirrus pov:

Rain, Cumulus, and I returned from the hospital, and I decided to check on Swiss. I carefully opened Swiss's bedroom door and found him curled up on the bed, marked by tears, lost in thought.

I approached cautiously and sat down at the edge of the bed next to him.

After a short while, he seemed to notice my presence and slowly sat up. He glanced at me briefly, and I could see fresh tears streaming down his face, so I pulled him into a tight hug.

"It hurts so much," Swiss whispered softly, his voice breaking with sobs.

"Everything will be alright. He's getting good care now. I promise."

"I... I love him," Swiss said, his voice trembling.

"I know," I replied quietly.

After a few minutes, I asked if he wanted to visit Sodo tomorrow. He nodded ever so slightly.

"If anything happens, let me know, okay? I'll go over now," he nodded again and lay back down. I placed a bottle of water and a glass by his bed before leaving the room.

As I exited the room, I saw Copia walking towards me. He looked concerned and somewhat confused.

"What happened? I heard an ambulance," he asked.

"Sodo was unconscious and taken to the hospital. It doesn't look good. He has a fever of 40.2 degrees Celsius and has been placed in a medically induced coma until his lungs hopefully start working on their own again. It's a 50/50 chance he'll make it."

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