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Swiss's POV:

Since Sodo still hadn't returned after 20 minutes, and I wanted to see what was happening outside, I decided to check on him.

"I'm heading out for a bit, it doesn't make much sense to rehearse when two people are missing." I announced.

Cirrus seemed to be the only one who paid attention and simply waved me off, so I made my way out. I hadn't taken five steps when I noticed Sodo's guitar lying on the ground, in the hallway.

"What's happened here? Why did he leave his guitar behind?" i mumbled to myself.

"Sodo? Are you here?" I called out, receiving no response. I proceeded to check all the possible rooms: the cafeteria, the common room,... but he was nowhere to be found.

The only person I spotted was... "Copia?" He glanced up from his phone, clearly still in a bad mood.

"Have you seen Sodo?" I cautiously inquired. He simply shook his head and returned his attention to his phone.

The only other option was his room, so I went there to check. Upon arriving, I gently knocked on the door. No response. I knocked a bit louder, still nothing. So, I decided to enter.

He wasn't in the bedroom or the living room. Then I noticed the light on in his bathroom. I didn't hear any water running, so I knocked on the bathroom door cautiously.

"Sodo?" Again, no response, so I opened the door. There he was, sitting in the shower stall, with his legs pulled up to his chest, soaking wet clothes, and his face buried in his hands.

"Sodo? Dew...are you okay?" I asked him gently. After a brief moment, Sodo lifted his head and wiped tears from his face.

"Y-yeah, I'm... I'm fine." he said, sobbing. It broke my heart to see him like this. He had become so dear to me during the two years he had been in the band.

"Oh, Sodo...Dew...I can see that you're not okay... Come on, please take this towel so we can sit on the couch." I offered him the towel, which he hesitantly accepted.

With shaky legs, he stood up and cautiously wrapped his arms around me. I was momentarily overwhelmed but then returned the embrace. We stood there for a few minutes, just hugging each other.

Slowly, I broke the hug and led Sodo towards the living room and then onto the couch. I put my arm around his shoulder, prompting him to lean against me. I rested my head on his.

"What happened earlier?" I asked.

He began sobbing again as he started to tell me, "Aether left...he won't be coming back. You know how much I care about him, and I-I'm just going to miss him so incredibly much..."

He looked at me, and I couldn't resist giving him another hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

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