Everything will be alright

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Swiss pov:

I noticed with a racing heart that Sodo's finger moved. It was just a slight movement, but it was enough to fill me with relief and hope. This small sign made it clear to me that Sodo was fighting and not giving up.

I sat on the edge of Sodo's hospital bed, staring at Sodo's finger, hoping he would move it again. A smile crept across my face, and tears of joy welled up in my eyes.

I gently reached for Sodo's hand and pressed it gently. "Sodo...?" I whispered with a trembling voice.

And indeed, the finger moved again, this time a bit more distinctly. My heart raced with emotion. "Oh my God," I whispered in awe.

I stroked Sodo's hand back with my thumb and held it tightly in mine.

Hours passed, and I remained by Sodo's side, holding his hand and speaking softly to him. All I wanted was to hold him in my arms again.

Sodo's pov:

I moved my lips, but no sound came out. My eyes slowly opened, and I looked around in confusion. My vision was blurry, and I didn't know where I was. I couldn't recognize the place immediately, and it scared me. I was completely disoriented and felt trapped in a nightmare.

I can't move. Why can't I move? I can't breathe!

Panic overcame me, and I began to breathe rapidly. My movements were weak and uncoordinated as I tried to sit up. Swiss? He must be here, right?

Then I felt a hand gently pushing me back down. "We're going to remove the tube now so you can breathe better," I heard a voice say, but it was distant and unclear. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I suddenly felt a rush of air, and my throat burned as I started coughing.

Calm down, Sodo. Breathe in and out deeply! I tried to reassure myself.

That seemed to work. After a few minutes, my breathing started to improve.

I was still very groggy and didn't perceive much around me. I just lay there. For five long days, most of the time, I was asleep. It was all so exhausting.

Then, on the fifth day...

I noticed how a hand was moving me. Sodo was slowly waking up, his breathing becoming heavier as he adjusted his head to a more upright position.

It took a few minutes, but I finally realized he was next to me. The way he looked at me so directly, that hadn't happened in all those days, made me whisper his name repeatedly and squeeze his hand more firmly.

He smiled? Fuck, he's smiling!

I couldn't help but smile too, and when I heard him say "Swiss" softly, with a shaky voice, tears welled up in my eyes, and I pulled him gently into my arms.

"Everything will be okay!" I whispered with a teary voice.

Sodo's pov:

After another two weeks in the hospital, my health had improved enough for me to be discharged. Although I could move normally again, my lung capacity was still insufficient for certain activities.

The moment of discharge had arrived. I had made significant progress, and Swiss came to the hospital today to finally take me out of there. When I heard a knock on my door, I rushed to open it.

"Hey," I said, and I was immediately pulled into a gentle embrace. "I missed you so much," Swiss whispered in my ear, which made me smile. "I missed you too, Swiss," I replied.

I pulled back slightly from Swiss to look at him. His eyes shone so brightly, and he just looked happy.

Swiss gently placed his hand on my cheek, and our eyes met. A soft smile spread across my lips as he slowly leaned in, and his lips met mine, and we kissed.

The world around me seemed to fade for a moment until I realized I was struggling to breathe, my breath burning after just a few seconds. I pulled away from the kiss, and Swiss nodded in understanding, for which I was incredibly grateful. Grateful that he was simply here with me and that I knew I could always count on him.

Swiss pov:

As soon as we arrived home, I embraced Sodo lovingly. The closeness and familiarity between us were precious, and I relished feeling Sodo in my arms. My fingers played with Sodo's hair, and I deeply inhaled his familiar scent.

"I love you," the words came softly from my lips, but they held immense meaning. Sodo responded immediately by tightening the embrace, as if he didn't want to let go of me.

"I love you too. So much."

A few tears rolled down my cheeks. I was just so happy to have him, and I would never let him go.

I kissed him on the cheek once more before we let go of our embrace and spent an evening together in front of the TV.

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