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Sodo's POV:

Group Chat:

~Let's all meet at the entrance at 6 pm! We're going for a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, so dress up~

I read in the group chat as I stood outside the door, smoking. I didn't usually smoke, but it somehow helped when I needed to think about certain things. The cigarette smoke clouded my thoughts and calmed me at the same time.

I thought again about the kiss between Swiss and me, how soft his lips were, how pleasant it was to run my fingers through his curly hair, and how good he smelled. It all felt so right, yet I was afraid it might not work out, and I could lose him as a friend.

The squeaking of the door interrupted my thoughts. Cumulus came out of the door and stood next to me.

"Hey, Sodo... you're smoking? Is everything okay?" she asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just thinking about some things."

"Is it because of Swiss?" she asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Swiss? Why would you think I'm thinking about him?"

"Well... the way you two look at each other sometimes, one could think something is going on between you two." she laughed.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked, and we both chuckled.

"Yeah, a bit. But why worry about it?"

"I don't know... I'm afraid that if things don't work out, I could lose him as a friend. That... it would really hurt me."

"Both of you will be fine. He would never do anything to hurt you, even if things don't work out romantically. But I know that you two will be happy together for the rest of your lives, so it doesn't matter." she smiled at me and pulled me into a short hug, which I gladly returned.

It was almost 6 pm, and the first ghouls for dinner were gathering outside the door. Swiss was already outside, and he gave me his beautiful smile, which I returned. Now everyone else was there too, and we headed to the restaurant.

Once there, the atmosphere was great, with tables filled with laughter and conversation. While engaged in a conversation about various topics with Mountain, who was sitting across from me, I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh from my right side. It was Swiss's warm hand gently resting on my leg.

My heart immediately started beating a bit faster, and I looked at Swiss, who continued his conversation with the others as if nothing had happened. The spot where his hand was began to tingle.

I cleared my throat and excused myself to Mountain. If I sit here any longer, I would go crazy. Now Swiss was looking at me, noticing that I had gotten up.

"I'll just be a moment in the restroom." I said and was probably bright red.

I needed a moment to calm down. How could this Ghoul drive me so crazy? Just the touch of his hand had already made my heart race. I saw Swiss coming into the restroom right as I left.

"Is everything okay?" he asked hesitantly, and there was a hint of hurt in his voice.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that... I..."

"Swiss, it's okay. It just took me by surprise, and I was afraid I might kiss you out of reflex." I tried to reassure him. Now he laughed again, which lifted a huge weight off my heart. He came closer to me, and I wrapped my arms around him.



"I love you." he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you too."

As we both sighed and returned to the table, I noticed that Mountain was looking at us critically, which made me quite nervous.

"Is there something you two want to tell me?" he asked us with a furrowed brow.

"Uh, no, not really." Swiss replied very confidently, though I could tell he was also a bit unsure.

"Are you sure?" Swiss nodded rapidly, and thankfully, Mountain left it at that and didn't press further.


We resumed our conversations, and slowly, everyone seemed to be full. Copia stood up from the table, and everyone looked at him expectantly.

"I've found a guitarist for us. He seems to fit in well with us, and he'll be visiting us in 2 days. So make sure you're all there." he said, causing a mixed reaction among those present.

Some were visibly excited, while others, like Rain, seemed less thrilled about the news.

On one hand, I was looking forward to it, but on the other hand, I was also a bit anxious that he might be like a replacement for Aether. I looked at Swiss, who seemed to understand immediately and squeezed my hand under the table. 

It helped... the fact that a simple squeeze of my hand could calm me down still left me a bit speechless.

After Copia paid the bill, which he wasn't too pleased about due to the likely high amount, we all left the restaurant and headed home.

I walked alongside Swiss, and our hands kept brushing against each other, which made me increasingly nervous. I just wanted to grab his hand.

We continued to fall behind the group until they were out of sight. Then I gathered all my courage, took Swiss's hand, and smiled shyly at him. He looked at me briefly in surprise but then smiled back.

Swiss's POV:

I was quite proud of Sodo when he took the initiative to hold my hand. It meant a lot to me. When we finally got home, I led him past his room to mine.

I locked the door behind us and continued to guide Sodo towards the bedroom. I sat on the bed, pulled him onto my lap, and simply kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling himself closer. Eventually, I turned us around, and now I was lying on top of him.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while..." I whispered against his lips. He kissed me again immediately, which I took as confirmation that he had wanted it for a while too. In that moment, there was only the two of us. A tingling sensation and pleasant warmth spread through my entire being.

We separated, both breathing heavily, and shifted into a more comfortable position. Sodo curled up in my arms, his arm resting across my stomach. We eventually fell asleep, breathing heavily.

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