sixty five

421 16 2

65 || banned

As usual, the Slytherins held a small get together after the Quidditch match. It didn't matter that they lost, it mattered to some that they lost but not all, but it mattered that they played well.

"What was going through their heads?" Adelaide complained, "Honestly, and they then wonder why none of other houses like us."

"How's Draco?" Lucas asked, but she knew he didn't actually care.

"In the Hospital Wing. He's got a lot of breaks and bruises," Adelaide smiled, "Courtesy of myself, Harry and George. I must say, it was a delight watching him finally getting beat up by someone."

Pansy Parkinson walked in shrieking like a dying animal, "They've been banned! Banned from Quidditch! Next thing you know they'll be banned from this ridiculous school."

"Who's been banned?" Alex asked and Pansy looked at her with a glare, "Who'd you think? Potter and the Weasel twins of course. Umbridge wouldn't let them off without a proper punishment."

"The innocent punished instead of those guilty," Adelaide hummed, "Sounds about right for this school. Can you not see what you're acting like? We shouldn't be divided right now."

Pansy scoffed, "You're the leading expert on that. You betrayed the team! We could've got that last goal."

"I don't know, my arm felt a little tired," Adelaide smirked, "Maybe I should test the strength I have in it. Come here, Pansy, let me test it on your face."

"Psycho bitch."

"Pug face cunt."

"Woah!" Adrian cut in, "Parkinson, take a long walk, do you need your lead?" There was a chorus of 'Ooh's, "Adelaide, mind your mouth please."

"Sorry," Adelaide muttered, "Y'know what. I'm taking a walk, and you aren't coming with me Parkinson. Don't want you pissing up the walls, marking your territory."

"You wanna see how much of a bite I have?"

Adelaide frowned, "No. It would be the equivalent of an old dog who's lost its teeth."

Pansy stormed off to her dorm while Adelaide laughed, "Why have I never made dog jokes about her before? It's fucking hilarious."

Umbridge had been getting a lot worse. Like ten million times worse, and in the worst times, Adelaide had constant meetings with her.

"And how would you say Professor Hagrid is at teaching?"

"Well, I dropped Care of Magical Creatures," Adelaide stated, "Didn't interest me enough. But what was the harm, I'm still taking most of the other subjects for my O.W.Ls."

Umbridge nodded, "And how would you say preparation is going for your exams? They are important, I could give you tutoring for Defense if you would like."

"No that's alright Professor. I've made a schedule so that even now, I'm balancing homework and revision for all my subjects, while also balancing Quidditch and my social life," it may have seemed like Adelaide was boasting but she just really didn't want to have special tutoring, especially by Umbridge.

"I wish the other students in your year were as academically driven as you, Adelaide."

Adelaide smiled, hiding her face of disgust, "Speaking of, I promised my friends we'd have a study date tonight, so I best be off. It was as lovely as usual Professor."

Lies. She wanted to gauge her eyes out with a fork.

After dinner and after the Slytherin student had gone to bed, Adelaide sat in front of the fireplace talking to Regulus.

"I can't wait to be back home for Christmas," She said dreamily, "Drinking and eating while singing Christmas songs at the top of my voice. Heaven itself that it."

"Thank fuck Dumbledore's allowed us to stay back home and not go to Grimmauld Place," Regulus said them laughed nervously, "So, about that. Mr and Mrs Delacour are coming over again. And with that comes-"

"Laurent? Yeah, I guessed," Adelaide sighed, "But who cares, he's bringing my dog back to me for the holidays and after the years over I get full custody for the next year."

"You really miss that dog, don't you?"

"With my whole heart."

Regulus smiled, "I've got to go. Meetings and shit. Have a nice rest of term if I don't speak to you until then and I'll pick you up at the train station. Okay?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too Dummy."

That night was the worst Adelaide had slept ever. It was the same dream, with Voldemort and the other person. But every time, Voldemort got closer and closer to Adelaide, and she couldn't wake up.

Until he was about to grab her and Adelaide shot up in sweat, grabbing her water and her medication.

"You should really tell someone about this," Alex said, making Adelaide jump as she didn't know she was awake, "It's getting bad."

"Yeah, well I tried to tell Dumbledore but he didn't give two shits so whatever," Adelaide said, "I'm gonna take a cold shower. Go back to sleep."

So Adelaide did that. She stood in the shower, freezing cold water falling into her bag, massaging the shampoo and conditioner into her scalp then shaving her entire body. It was quite therapeutic, like a fresh start to the new day.

Instead of trying to fall back asleep, Adelaide sat on the window ledge, not smoking because she made the promise to Theo, but reading. It took her mind off things. Currently, she was reading the play Romeo and Juliet, which she desperately wanted to watch on stage like Shakespeare had intended but this was all she had going for her.

And her mind floated back to Harry. Were they like Romeo and Juliet? Star crossed lovers. Forbidden. Their two houses making it clear that anything between them could never happen. Adelaide would be shunned, no longer the bitch they all feared. But Harry, he'd probably remain victorious, after all he is male and Gryffindor, while they hate Slytherins, are much less against house co-operation. So yes. Maybe Harry and Adelaide were Romeo and Juliet. Maybe if they ended up together, it would be a tragedy. After all, wherever either of them went, trouble always followed.

okay, this chapters short bc
i don't want to go into the next
chapter yet and i couldn't
think of anything extra.

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