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WITH A WAR looming over their heads, you'd think the last thing on their minds would be a stupid annual ball.

But alas, Narcissa Malfoy had written to Marlene as it was Regulus' turn to host it and she doubted Regulus would write back.

"I'm not going mum!" Adelaide shouted as she descended the stairs catching the attention of everyone who was sat down for lunch, "I'm not wearing a stupid dress and talking to stupid boys who think I'm property to buy."

"It would look bad if you weren't there," Marlene insisted, "And seeing as Regulus is useless, you are the focus of the Black family."

The door swung open and Adelaide slouched into her seat, "So..." Sirius began, "You hate the balls too." The blonde looked over to her father with a glare, "Okay, okay. No need to give me that."

Marlene shut the door behind her, pointing a finger at Regulus, "Talk sense into her or Narcissa will be at your throat and not mine."

Harry looked at the family confused, he thought balls were left behind years ago, "A ball? Like big dresses and suits."

"It's a Sacred 28 tradition and unfortunately, even after the embarrassment of the Black family, we are still invited and hosting this year," Adelaide said, disgust dripping on her voice.

"Not us," George said happily, "They hate us."

Regulus sighed, "If I have to go, you have to go," he said, "Besides, won't your friends be there."

"You know who else will be there? Idiots. Lucius Malfoy. Theo's dad. All the assholes," Adelaide said and ignored Molly's 'language' as she continued, "Couldn't you have ruined the family a little more dad?"

They went back and forth until the end of lunch when the daily letters came and Adelaide had three, one from Theo, one from Alex and one from Astoria. All three begging her to go to the ball.

And Adelaide gave in, not without whispering to Regulus, "Make sure there's fire whiskey."

The afternoon of the same day, Regulus, Marlene and Adelaide made their return to the McKinnon manor, much to Adelaide's pleasure as she could have a nights sleep in her own, non creaky, bed.

She had come to the agreement that she wouldn't wear a corset or have to speak to any 'suitors' as Adelaide had no thought in her mind of getting married to a crazy blood supremacist.

And that had led to her laying in bed with Alex on her right, Astoria at the foot, and Theo pacing.

"Dude, calm down," Adelaide said, painting her toenails, "Lucas said he'll come tomorrow, he doesn't want to leave his mum at home alone."

"What if he doesn't come at all and I'm left alone speaking to girls who want my money and family name?" Theo stressed and Adelaide rolled her eyes, "Then for you, and only for you, I would pretend we were in the speaking terms of an engagement and no one would dare mess with the Black family."

"Thank you," Theo said with a sigh, "Now tell us where you've been all summer."

Astoria sat up, "I wanna know too. With these two on house arrest I've been all alone."

"Mum decided it would be safer if we went somewhere more secluded after what happened at-" Adelaide stopped but the three knew what she meant, she had described in her letters about the nightmares keeping her up and seeing Cedric everywhere she went. But no one else seemed to care, they were too focused on Harry and how he fought Voldemort.

Alex rubbed her hand with a caring touch, "I spoke to Adrian. I know about your meet up," She said, "I'm not going to judge you."

"I know it was wrong but I didn't know what else to do," Adelaide said, sniffling and wiping a tear, "I want to stop. I don't want to be thirty and addicted."

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