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2 || painful reminder

"HERMIONE! You could've been killed, why were you with Black?!" Ron exclaimed as Hermione sat back down in the compartment.

The bushy haired girl sighed, "Maybe because she isn't her father."

"Back me up Harry."

"I agree with Hermione." Harry stated and the two other Gryffindors looked at him in shock.

"You agree with the daughter of the man who's after you?!" Ron questioned.

"I agree that Adelaide isn't her father and that she hasn't done anything wrong so we shouldn't treat her like she's done something wrong." The black haired boy explained.

Ron was in a massive mood for the rest of the journey, he kept muttering that Adelaide Black was just as much of a criminal as Sirius.

Soon the train ride came to an end and the first years through to the seventh years made their way off. The new first years followed Hagrid to the boats whereas the rest of the years climbed onto a carriage.

"Black. Black. Black."

"Malfoy. Malfoy. Bleach boy."

"Cousin, why the long face? Is it because daddy won't come and say hello?" Draco taunted Adelaide.

The girl simply laughed, "Is that your roots I can see from here? Maybe you should get another bottle of bleach to fix that."

"Cousin Lestrange."

"What Draconis?" Alexandria snapped.

The blonde shrugged, "Just wanted to annoy you."

"Ignore the bleach bottle. I'm starving." Theo muttered to the girls and gently shoved them towards an empty carriage.


DUMBLEDORE'S usual start of term speech included a warning about the dementors that would be patrolling the grounds. As always he went on and on until most people were half asleep or zoned out.

Then everyone went crazy with their dinners.

The start of term feast was magnificent. If you were stupid you'd stuff your face until you couldn't make it back to your common room later in the evening. If you were smart like the Slytherin quartet though, you'd sneak some food back into your common rooms for a midnight snack of sorts.

Adelaide didn't miss the way that people would stare at her and then begin whispering to their friends so she decided to do something about that.

In a split second, her plate was clear out of the way and her feet replaced it, "Hello my fellow students. I'm aware that my beauty surpasses your usual standards but there's no need for you to stare at me all the time. However if you do feel the need to, take a picture. Trust me, it'll last longer."

A white light flashed quickly and Adelaide guessed it was Colin, "Hey Col. Save that for my mum will you?"

Snape was practically blowing steam whereas most the other teachers had to hold in a laugh.

McGonagall however was getting flashback from a certain young man she taught before Adelaide. And he just happened to be Sirius Black.

"Thank you for your attention everyone. You may go back to enjoying your feast."

As she climbed off the table she caught McGonagall's eye, the professor smiled at her and Adelaide playfully winked back.

"Reminds you of Sirius doesn't she?" Dumbledore asked McGonagall.

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