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9 || harsh words

DECEMBER had come and gone and they were now in January. The snow that had taken to sticking to the ground over Christmas was slowly melting away and the spirit was gone.

The Delacour's, plus Laurent, had gone back to France, with Laurent promising he'd write to Adelaide. The two had grown particularly close over the holidays and were victims to Fleur's constant teasing.

But now Adelaide was back at Hogwarts. Back in lessons which bored her to hell. The only good thing was that McGonagall had arranged a private study session with Adelaide so they could have a catch up and not study.

Now Adelaide found somehow found herself at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast with Hermione who had been shunned by Harry and Ron.

"I can't believe them! I was trying to help Harry and they just-" Hermione ranted.

"Woah. Breath Mione. What happened? From the beginning."

Hermione went on to explain how Harry had gotten a firebolt for Christmas but Hermione was afraid it was given to him by Sirius Black so she went to McGonagall who took it off him to check it over for any jinxes. Ron had gotten angry and so was Harry. They had started avoiding her like the plague meaning she was alone after Christmas.

"Oh I'll give them a piece of my mind. Or my fist I haven't decide yet." Adelaide hissed and went to stand up but the twins came from either side of her, pushing her back down.

"Hey Addiepop, let's not kill our brother and the boy who lived today." George chuckled.

"Any Christmas drama we need to know about?" Fred asked with a grin.

"There was this one boy... Laurent Dupont. He's from France and is staying with the Delacour's since his parents died last year. He's so funny and kind and always paying attention to what I say." Adelaide rambled.

George and Fred laughed, "You have a crush MB."

"No. No I don't. Absolutely not. No. Oh look, Theo's calling me over. See you later losers."

Once Adelaide was away Fred and George turned to Hermione, "She so has a crush."


"HEY, Adelaide!" Harry called as he ran up to her in the corridor.

"I don't want to look or talk or even think about you right now Potter." Adelaide snapped.

She didn't want to do most of those things for Hermione and also because she didn't know what to do about him. But she's doing it for Hermione.

"Woah! What I have done?"

"What have you done?" She repeated, "What have you done Potter?" That was more of a question.

"shits about to go down." james muttered and dorcas laughed next to him.

"my moneys on addie."

"we aren't betting on the children guys." lily scolded, "but if we were to... i'd bet on adds."

"Hermione was looking out for you and how do you repay her? You ignore her like she's some infection. I've heard what happened in first year, how you and the others would constantly make fun of her for being a 'know it all'. You fucking degrade her like she's some piece of shit on your shoe. Now I don't know if you're a sexist bastard or if you're just a dick but what you and ginger freak are doing doesn't sit right with me. So either you make goody with her and apologise your dumb little ass off or you forget speaking to either of us ever again. Fuck you Potter."

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