thirty four

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34 || the yule ball

THE SLYTHERIN Common Room was as it always was. Green. Cold. Yet warm at the same time. Quiet. That's how it had been for the past hour. The students were either at the ball or in their dorms. The only person sat in the common room was Adelaide.

She stared at the portrait above the fire whilst she listened to the crackling of the flames. She was deep in a trance now, if someone had committed a mass murderer right next to her it was questionable to wether she'd hear it.

The sore swung open and Astoria walked in and slouched onto the sofa next to her friend, "Laurent's making out some bitch in Ravenclaw and Draco's chatting up some French girls. Wanna get high?"

First of all. If Adelaide cared that Laurent was making out with another girl she didn't show it. Her eyes, that didn't look like she'd been crying, brightened and she quickly stood up and dragged Astoria into the dorm room.

Second of all. Astoria had been crying. Which is why Adelaide found it her mission to make the girl forget about her problems for the night and block it all out.

For the next half hour they shared a joint between them and laughed half heartedly at some shitty attempts at jokes, but at least neither were thinking of their dates at that moment.

"Wanna go wreak some havoc?" Adelaide suggested and pulled out a bottle of vodka. As if reading her mind, Astoria grabbed a flask from under Alex's bed and they poured the alcohol in their and shoved it in her small handbag.

They crept from the dungeons to the great hall with the stealth of an elephant and from their they acted as sober as they could as they crawled towards the punch bowl.

Alex, who was dancing with her date, noticed her two friends stumble in and realised that they were either high out of their minds or heartbroken, or both and just compartmentalising their emotions, "I'm sorry, Lila. My friends..."

Lila smiled, "Don't worry. I'll go talk to my brother for a bit. Find you later."

The curly haired nodded and speedily grabbed Theo and pulled him towards the two girls, "Do I want to ask what you're doing?"

"If you ask what we're doing then- then you're going to get super unlucky for the next- tenty years," Astoria giggled out as she shielded Adelaide from teachers prying eyes.

Theo watched as Adelaide poured the contents of the flask into the punch bowl and smile triumphantly, "Now everyone can have a wee bit of fun."

"I'm going to go tell Lucas I'm dealing with these," Theo said, "Wait there with them."

Soon after the four found themselves in an abandoned classroom far away from the loud music of the ball, "So, Laurent kissed someone else and Draco's flirting with French girls? Always knew there was something off with the French lad and I don't even need to say anything about the bleach boy."

"I don't know, I'm scared of the commitment but I really thought I was falling in love with Laurent," Adelaide said quietly, "I had that feeling. The butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw him, the chills every time I would feel his touch. My day would genuinely brighten when we spoke. But I guess I'm not meant for relationships. Merlin... maybe I should've just told Harry I like him back in third year and this never would've happened."

Astoria nodded, "Draco's a twat. But I like him, no matter what he does. He could kiss all the girls in the world and somehow, that longing for him would be there. It's not fair. I want someone who can love me the same way I love them. Not some git who plays with my emotions constantly."

"How about we ditch the boys and find ourselves?" Adelaide suggested, "It's been a while since I've thought of anything besides some stupid boy with perfect hair."

The gang found themselves back in the Great Hall, Theo and Alex were dancing with their dates and Astoria and Adelaide were dancing together. People were starting to clear out at this point, Adelaide had told herself she was going to check on Harry but he was no where to be seen. Probably getting an early night.

"Red code," Astoria muttered, "French laddie on his way."

Adelaide turned her head and watched a smiling Laurent approach her, "Hey love, I haven't seen you all evening. You feeling good?"

"Yeah, feeling great," She replied sarcastically, "How was your night? Exhilarating?"

The look of joy turned to one of confusion and Adelaide had to stop herself from ripping at him in front of everyone, "I don't understand. Are you okay?"

"I'll find you in a bit," Adelaide whispered to Astoria and started to walk towards the exit, "Come on Laurent. I don't like to be kept waiting."

The entrance hall held a couple of students, some girls crying on the stairs, a couple making out and a group of boy laughing with each other. Adelaide felt all her rage building up and she needed to let it out somehow.

"What's up, love?"

Adelaide stared in disbelief, "What's up? Did you seriously just 'what's up' me after what you've done?"

"What I've done? What have I done?"

The blonde let out a chuckle, "Oh, for Merlin's sake, are you thick? What you thought I wouldn't find out? You thought I would forget?"

"What are you-"

"For one, you left me. You said you'd meet me with everyone else yet you never came. Second, I may have been high of my rocks but I know that you were making out with some girl."

Laurent opened his mouth, "I didn't-"

"Don't interrupt me! I'm speaking. You listen," Adelaide snapped, "Thirdly, you pretend like it's all okay. Like you haven't been making out with me for the last couple of months. You want to pretend it never happened? Well so do I now! I want to forget that I ever kissed you. I want to forget I ever spoke to you. I want to forget I ever started falling in love with you because it's too bloody painful!"


She stared dumbfounded, "Yes. Love. I was falling in love with you Laurent. I was waiting for you to ask me to be your girlfriend, because this whole time it's like you've been looking for an easy escape from me. You're scared of commitment? Well so am I! But at least I didn't go snogging another girl!"

Adelaide prepared to leave but Laurent grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "Adelaide I- I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"I swear to Merlín if you're about to say 'I didn't mean to' I'm going to hex you into oblivion," Adelaide snapped and ripped her arm away, "Whatever we had. It's gone. You threw it away Laurent. And you can't get it back."

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