fourty seven

951 30 6

47 || sirius my dad

It's been a weird summer so far. Dad's super on edge and mum's been more emotional than usual. I wish I could see you, but Regulus told me that moving you was for your safety, whatever that means. Sucks that we can't meet up, Alex and Tori are thinking the same thing. We tried to meet up but it's not the same as a trio.
I hope you've patched things up with your family and whatever it is you can always talk to me about.
FUNNY STORY. I went over to Lucas' house the other day and when he introduced me to his mum he couldn't form a sentence, he was stuttering and everything. Oh it was bloody hilarious. So I took the reigns and introduced myself, your aunt is absolutely gorgeous by the way.
All my love, Theo :)

Adelaide laughed at her friend and folded the letter putting it in her drawer, she'd respond to him in a while about the fact that Cassiopeia told her that she adored Theo, and that it was the happiest she'd seen her son in a long time. Until then she had to deal with the growing problem that was her father. Sirius Black.
Because even though they were in the same house, they had barely spoken ten words to each other, just a good morning every so often. And as long as Adelaide could hold a grudge, she couldn't even remember why she was holding a grudge against her father.

That's why when she saw Sirius sat alone in the drawing room, she took the chance, "I always love coming in here. It's brighter than the rest of the house. Gran and I would have tea and laugh every Sunday in here."

Sirius smiled, "The Walburga you knew was very different than the one I knew. She hated me." The blonde frowned, "Who doesn't? Kidding. God, I sound so insensitive. I don't really know how to do the whole father daughter thing."

"Is Reg not like your father?" Sirius asked and Adelaide laughed, "Please, that man's about as mature as a new born baby. He's more like a brother than anything else. An annoying, pain in the ass, brother."

For some reason this put Sirius to rest, he'd been so worried that he lost his job of being a father to his brother that he didn't bother to form a relationship with his daughter.

"So, what things do you like?" Sirius asked and Adelaide's eyes brightened, "Well, I'm on the Quidditch team, which is hard being a girl and in Slytherin, I suppose I just scared Flint into letting me on the team. I like fighting, mum tried to sign me up for karate to help deal with my anger but I got kicked out because I sent a kid to the hospital." Sirius laughed at this, he saw more of himself in Adelaide now, "I used to fight all the time, it was better than talking about what I was feeling. Suppose that's why I joined the Quidditch team, so I can let all my anger out."

At the sound of his daughters laughs, Sirius smiled, he'd spent years in Azkaban imagining a life where he had raised Adelaide, where he'd taught her pranks, where Uncle Prongs, Wormy and Lupin showed her the ways of the Maurauders. But now she was older, he had no right to comment on things like boyfriends because he had no place in her life.

"Why do you look so depressed?" Adelaide questioned bluntly, "There I go again with the insensitivity, it's a habit, sorry."

"Wanna go on a walk?" Adelaide looked around, "You realise the both of us are on house arrest right? If mum catches us-"

"She won't. I'll go as Padfoot and we're in a muggle neighbourhood anyway, there's a park nearby," Sirius said and Adelaide nodded, "Fine. But if we get caught I'm saying you kidnapped me."

An hour later, Adelaide was sat on the bench looking up at the stars as Padfoot sat at her feet, they sat in silence, as they simply relished in each others presence because for once there was no Harry, no Regulus, no war raging on beside them. It was the father daughter moment that Adelaide would dream about when her friends talked about their dads. It's the moment Sirius would imagine whenever he dreamt about the baby girl he left behind. In that moment, no one else mattered.

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