Chapter 20 : The bad beginning - Memories (part 8)

Start from the beginning

"I don't need to be watched over, and you weren't the one I wanted to have in my class," Taehyung grumbled, turning back to Seokjin.

"Who is he?" Jimin asked curiously, wrapping an arm around Taehyung's shoulders to lean on him and following his gaze. "His family must be very wealthy to have others hovering around him like that," he surmises, though the infatuation around him seems sincere and not fake. The boy was unknown to him but he already seemed very popular, although it was only their first day.

"It's none of your business," Taehyung said pulling Jimin's hand away and joining their class.

"He seems nice anyway, I would like to be friends with him."

Taehyung glared at him and Jimin, who had understood that this annoyed him to the highest degree, continued unabashedly, following Taehyung on his trail, as a dog would have done with its master:

"They seem to be having a good time in Class D," Jimin continued as he followed him.

"We're not here to have fun, we're here to study," Taehyung replied gloomily, "and it shows that D-class is a loser class so stop envying them."

He was certain from observing his own class that Class A was the elite class of this private school and Class D was its opposite, and he was already thinking of a way to get Seokjin transferred to Class A.

"Wow, okay boss," Jimin scoffed, amused by his attitude. He promised himself to explore the bond between Taehyung and Seokjin in order to take advantage of it if he could.

"Don't call me that," Taehyung growled.

"Okay, don't get mad, I just want us to be friends."

"Because your dad asked you to?" Taehyung asked  suspiciously.

"Yeah," Jimin admitted without even trying to lie.

He didn't find Taehyung likeable enough to willingly be his friend .

"Then you better do whatever I ask you to do and never disobey me," Taehyung warned him imperiously.

Jimin nodded obediently, not losing his bright smile which didn't seem to reflect his true feelings towards Taehyung and seemed to make him look snarky. That was what his father asked him telling him that he was preparing for the future, so he would do it, no matter if Taehyung was unsympathetic and probably detestable. Satisfied, Taehyung completely lost interest in Seokjin to speak with Jimin and explain how he saw their long-term friendship.

Seokjin loved his class, the other kids became his friends very quickly and he felt that they were all very friendly and he was looking forward to getting to know them more. His homeroom teacher was a very strict-looking woman named Mrs Chung but seeing him so beaming, she couldn't help but give Seokjin a kind smile and make him the provisional class delegate before the future elections.

Seokjin was honored with this distinction and presented himself in front of all of his class.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, I will do my best to always help you!"

He bowed and his whole class warmly applauded him. Returning to his place, his table companion had bowed in a whisper.

"I'm Choi Seung, can we be friends?"

"Of course, with great pleasure!" Seokjin whispered, happy to make his first friend in middle school.

Seung quickly became a very good friend with whom he spent the whole morning of the start of the school year. Contrary to what Seokjin had thought, they didn't have a break that would have allowed him to go find Taehyung because in addition to presenting them with all the functioning of the school in a very strict way by insisting on the need for excellence which fell to all the students of this school, they were also made to visit the whole school.

Seokjin and the Heirs of the Korean Miracle - BOOK 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now