" Did you meet with him?" He asked and Andrew sighed frustratingly.

" He refused to visit any visitors."

" I am going to meet him tomorrow. We will go at 9." Leonardo informed Andrew who nodded in agreement.

" And Derek" he added looking at his uncle as he took out a black card from his wallet and gave him " I can provide for my woman's needs"

" It was a gift for her." Derek chuckled at his displeased expression but did not say anything further as Fiona walked in with teas on tray.

" Why don't you all sit and talk while drinking the tea. I recently bought it and its said to help with stress."

" Wow-! These are cool Noor! I knew you will be the only one to remember to bring sovuiners for me" Michelle pulled her into a hug showing her gratitude for the gifts she brought.

" Your welcome" Noor chuckled feeling glad that she liked them.

" By the way Noor.... did something happen?" Michelle inquired not wanting to trigger her and break a fight.

" Like what?" She asked confusingly while taking out her clothes from the luggage and folding it to put in the cupboard.

" You look... depressed." Michelle pointed and Noor halted hearing her.

" Do I?" She asked sounding unsure of herself and Michelle frowned at her confusion.

" Michelle.... He loves me..." Noor shared, with her tone helpless but it also sounded relief.

Though Michelle has a hunch who she is talking about but just to confirm it she asked, " Who?".

" .... Leonardo."

Michelle tried to keep her smile at bay because she doesn't want to express anything yet until she is confirmed both are having the same feelings.

About time you confessed to her bro.

"And... do you love him?" She asked while observing her expression.

Noor was silent at first contemplating whether to tell Michelle her feelings but she decided against it "No."

The door to Noor's room burst open making her flinch as she was arranging her bed getting ready to sleep.

She turned and saw Leonardo standing with his arms crossed against his chest while staring at her like a predator.

Michelle and her family left a few hours ago as the night was becoming late and in the whole house were only Noor and him.

" What are you doing here?" She asked while clenching the cushion she was holding in her hand.

" I should be the one asking you. What are you doing in this room?" He raised his eyebrow at her clearly displeased that she was in other room.

" This is my room-?" She replied with confused tone as Leonardo marched towards her and picked her up.

Noor suddenly clutched on her shirt as she wrapped her hands around his neck at his abrupt action " W-what are you doing?!"

Leonardo walked out of the room, ignoring her words as they went to the master bedroom he resides.

" P-put me down-!" She struggled but his hold was firm on her body and did not let her down until they reached the bed.

" You are going to stay here." He said as he laid her on his bed and hovered over her " Don't you think it's time we sleep in one room?"

Noor's face flushed red as her heart began to be unstable at the close proximity between them.

" I d-don't wan-"

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