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"This is ridiculous." In a manner both lavish and opulent, Jin woo found himself adorned in sumptuous black robes, their extravagant fabric caressed gently by his fingers as he grumbled in disbelief.

"Oh, come now," Myre chortled, gingerly chiding Jin woo. "I beg to differ. We can't have you meeting all the clan leaders dressed in a hoodie and jeans." In response to his discontent, Myre emitted a joyful chortle, her gentle chiding aimed at Jin woo. Her demeanour carried the wisdom of a loving grandmother, seeking to guide and counsel with affectionate care.

Meanwhile, Sylvia with eyes dancing with amusement, struggled to suppress her laughter, the delight she found in the situation barely contained.

As the trio engaged in their banter, a reverberating voice intruded upon Jin woo's thoughts, a familiar connection that could belong to no other than Bellion. The tone was commanding yet loyal, resonating deep within Jin woo's mind. 

"Myre, Sylvia, could you head off without me?" Jin woo made his request. The request seemed to leave Myre somewhat uneasy, while Sylvia clung tightly to her mother's arm, appearing a touch reluctant to leave his side.

"Don't be tardy," Sylvia admonished, her voice as sweet as nectar but with a hint of gravity. As the pair bid their farewells with a wave.

Once the ladies had departed, Bellion materialised his majestic angelic figure, resplendent in ebony attire, adorned with four radiant wings ablaze with a regal hue of purple fire. He knelt before Jin woo, his massive form causing a crater.

"What is it, Bellion?" Jin woo inquired, his commanding presence causing the angelic figure to rise from his knees in deference.

"There was an attack on the academy, Alacryan spies, and the elven girl was captured. Arthur, Regis, and Lady Sylvie managed to drive them off, but I believe your presence will be needed soon," Bellion explained with a sense of urgency, his voice resonating with a tone of concern. The weight of the news struck Jin woo, his eyes widening as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. In response, his fist clenched with frustration.

"Fucking snake. Should have known he wouldn't stay complacent," Jin woo muttered through gritted teeth, visibly agitated. However, he quickly composed himself. Agrona was likely attempting to revive the legacy, but with Arthur's rapid growth, Jin woo doubted it would make a significant difference.

 "Thanks, Bellion. You may leave," Jin woo dismissed the towering angelic figure, watching as Bellion liquified back into his shadow form and disappeared from sight. 

With steely determination, Jin woo set his mind on the task at hand. The shadows swirled around him, enveloping his physical form, and in a blink of an eye, he was transported to the location where the mana signatures of Myre and Sylvia had ceased moving. As his form solidified once more, he surveyed the room with his sharp, discerning gaze, sensing the thick tension that lingered in the air like an ominous cloud.

Within the grand chamber, an ominous assembly of Asuras, representing various races, occupied imposing thrones that exuded an aura of cataclysmic power. Each of them, capable of crippling a continent, directed their intense gazes at Jin woo, their hostility palpable and unyielding. Yet, in the face of their animosity, Jin woo's countenance remained undaunted as a serene smile graced his lips.

However, it was the central throne that captured his attention most profoundly. There, seated regally amidst the Asura, was Kezess. Unusual to Jin woo was the lack of apathy in Kezess' demeanor, a departure from the dismissive indifference typically shown to others. Instead, the dragon emanated an aura of apprehension, ever vigilant to the slightest provocation.

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