Visions of the past/Greeting

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Arthur floated weightlessly like a cloud, his ethereal form taking on a smoky blue hue that seemed to shimmer in the infinite darkness that surrounded him. He gazed around him, marveling at the strange new form he had taken and the surreal environment that he found himself in.

But as he looked on, the darkness around him began to shift and contort, and a horrific sight emerged from the void. A planet was revealed, painted in shades of black and red, its surface scarred and ravaged by the savage forces of death and destruction. The once-beautiful world was now a desolate wasteland, its skies choked with smoke and ash, its oceans choked with debris, and its land barren and lifeless.

And at the centre stood to figures.

One was a man with a head of waist-length red hair that flowed like molten lava down his broad shoulders. He was clad in luxurious silver armour reflected the blazing crimson of his surroundings, each plate perfectly molded to his powerful frame. His eyes were a vibrant crimson, a fierce and intense hue that seemed to glow with an otherworldly energy.

The other, a younger man with waist-length black hair that was outlined in a vibrant shade of purple. The hue of his hair seemed to accentuate the darkness of his attire, a pitch-black armor that wrapped around his lithe frame from head to toe. The armour was decorated with purple streaks, giving it an occult feel.

Arthur stood and watched with bated breath as the two figures clashed in front of him. One wielded a dagger, smudged in black and exuding an aura of darkness. The other held an elongated crimson blade, the fiery energy it emitted illuminating the dim surroundings.

Every time their weapons collided, sparks flew, and a blast of scarlet fire and shadows erupted, decimating the area around them. It was as if the force of their power was too great for the physical realm to contain. Despite the chaos they caused, however, their movements were graceful and calculated, each strike meant to deliver maximum damage. It was a dance of death, a beautiful and deadly spectacle that Arthur couldn't take his eyes off of.

The man in black gestured with a flick of his wrist, conjuring spears wreathed in darkness that pierced through his opponent's wrists and knees, rendering him disarmed and helpless. Jet-black chains emerged and ensnared his neck and legs, further immobilizing him.

As the man in black blurred and reappeared above him, a circular formation of violet mana materialized above his head. With a deafening roar, bolts of purple lightning rained down upon the surroundings, unleashing a wave of magical energy that shook the sky and ground. Debris scattered in all directions as the district was engulfed in the surge of power.

[ Tonitrus Aeternus | Eternal thunder ]

The sky was aglow with a vibrant magenta hue as nine swords of purple lightning materialized and merged into a colossal blade that seemed to connect heaven and earth. As the ground trembled and the sound of tearing earth echoed throughout the area, the man in red was struck by the devastating lightning. The impact was so intense that the continent they stood on vanished in an instant, leaving behind a massive crater that even water could not fill. The surrounding world was engulfed in various shades of purple as the aftermath of the powerful strike spread far and wide, tearing apart at the planet further.

The man in red emerged at the centre of the crater, his armour shattered and tattered, but he was still alive.

The man in black charged forward, However, his expression remained stoic, devoid of any sense of victory. As he drew closer, a colossal pillar of crimson flames erupted from the man in red, causing the man in black to retreat back several kilometers.

Arthur trembled as he witnessed an eldritch dragon - whose name had long been lost to the eons - burst fourth from the pillar of crimson. Letting out a scarlet-laden trail. The colossal, otherworldly creature emerged from the depths, its scales shimmering in hues of black and crimson. Towering over mountains and eclipsing the sun, the behemoth spread its enormous bat-like wings, casting the world into an abyssal darkness. Its glowing red eyes, like two scarlet stars, pierced through the gloom, illuminating its monstrous form.

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