Time lost

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(A/N didn't expect this did you, but since whoopers - @Reprobate_- lazy ass decided to update more often I am giving you an extra chappie)

Jin woo learned back, relaxing his back as he diverted his undivided attention towards Antares. His back straightened, his gaze matching his. He was his only summon who would look at him straight in his eyes.

"It happened before the final war." He started speaking as Jin woo squinted his eyes at him, "Due to repeated failures I came to a conclusion. Just like the previous shadow monarch decided to appoint a successor I decided on something similar. However, the intentions were different." He paused, letting his words sink. Jin woo's heart pounded as a morbid realisation hit him. He looked over to Arthur's unconscious form, his vision changing as he imbued the mana of death into his eyes. That's when he saw it- his dormant second heart. It was there, semi-dormant, making just the bare minimum of destructive mana.

"Continue", He spoke up, his voice filled with a burning rage, ready to tear everything down to atoms at the possible death of the one he had considered as his brother. 

The dragon king stood straight, unpuberted by the killing intent which shaked the walls. Clearing his head Jin woo retracted his aura, not wanting to gather any unwanted attention.

"Before the final decisive war, before the cup of reincarnation broke down to fragments I used a technique separating one of my two hearts from my body and preserving a portion of my conciousness alongside it. It would've returned to me if I had succeeded, otherwise it would search for a suitable vessel. Regretfully, that vessel...." His voice trailed off as his eyes traced from him to the prone form of Arthur.

"The most suitable vessel would be Arthur." He continued his sentence for him as he nodded weakly.

"What are the possible repercussions for this?" He asked, knowing well enough he can't undo the hearts formation. Him falling unconscious was the result of his second heart integrating with his soul. He was bound to become one now. A monarch- even stronger than him when it came to brute strength. Jin woo looked at Antares, demanding an answer from him as he scrutinising gaze bore holes into him.

"He might suffer from bouts of pain- extreme ones. Every time he reaches a threshold, his physique will change, morph into that of a monarch. Eventually he will be able to become a full true dragon however..." he paused once again, a premonition to something ominous.

"Spit it out, Antares." He spoke, malice seething from his voice.

He hesitated but spoke up regardless, "the transformation will be complete only if he conquers the madness." he said. Jin woo tilted his head slightly confused at what he meant. Understanding the apparent confusion on his masters face he spoke once again,

"I wasn't always a fanatic for destruction. Since time unknown I have known this but buried the fact deep inside myself. I once had emotions too. When I locked them away, my emotions weren't the only thing I lost. I lost my rationality along with it. The overwhelming power that stood at the apex among rulers and monarchs, second only to the supreme being became my doom. The power drove me into a frenzy, losing my sense of self. I was the monarch of flames but due to the change in my personality, the flame that had life and death turned into something sinister, a weapon only used for destruction. That was how I was known as the Monarch of Destruction. Since my ultimate goal since birth was to fight against rulers, my goals aligned with destruction, so I let it take over. With time my lust for frenzy became my main nature as I became one with it. Destruction evolved with me as it became a part of my soul and that was the mana of destruction was born" He said. Jin woo let out a long breath as he began to digest what he said.

Arthur will eventually become Monarch of Destruction. His first thought was that he was beyond salvation. However he could still be saved. He wasn't a lost cause. Somehow, he would so so.

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