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In the depths of Alacrya, nestled within the grandiose obsidian fortresses, roamed the basilisk Sovereign, Agrona. Every step he took echoed through the ornate halls, resonating with an air of mystique and power.

Within the recesses of his being, his heart throbbed incessantly, consumed by a cascade of sensations that defied control—a tingling surge of boundless elation and rapture. He found himself engulfed in a vast expanse of purplish demise, an oceanic abyss that emanated an aura of sheer malevolence. Astonishingly, he stood unwavering in the face of this pandemonium, even if he found himself ensnared within its merciless grasp.

Unleashing an uproarious laughter, his peals of mirth reverberated through the corridors, resonating with a madness that bordered on the edge of sanity. As he strode into the meeting chamber, where the esteemed Sovereigns and Scythes awaited him, a subtle uneasiness pervaded the room, their apprehension heightened by his peculiar demeanour.

He took a seat on his throne.

His hand tightened around his pulsating heart, desperately trying to contain the overwhelming surge of exhilaration and might coursing through his veins.

It had been ages since he had experienced such potent emotions, such an intoxicating blend of excitement and power. The last time he had felt this alive was during his final meeting with the draconic tyrant, Kezzes. However, the sheer magnitude of strength he had sensed from Jin Woo dwarfed even that formidable encounter.

Composing himself, he cast a scrutinizing gaze upon each individual present in the chamber, his eyes searching for a specific figure. "Where is Seris?" he inquired, his voice laced with authority and curiosity. In a modest tone, Dragoth humbly responded, "She mentioned she was paying a visit to the disciple dispatched to eliminate the second reincarnation." Agrona dismissed the information with a dismissive wave of his hand.

His inquisitive nature piqued, he proceeded to inquire about another individual. "And where is Nico-" Before he could finish his sentence, the door violently swung open, revealing the entrance of a young boy adorned with raven-black hair and blood-red eyes.

"Why is it taking so unbearably long!" The boy erupted in a fit of frustration, his angry steps resonating with unrestrained force as he advanced towards Agrona. However, his path was abruptly obstructed by a hulking figure with neatly tied blonde hair. "Mind your insolent tongue, boy," Kiros warned, emanating his mana induced intent, causing Nico and the other Scythes to instinctively retreat.

Addressing the agitated Nico, Agrona adopted a deceptively sweet gesture, concealing an undercurrent of dominance. "Oh, dear little Nico, it seems unforeseen variables have emerged, disrupting our plans. I suggest you compose yourself and demonstrate some patience for the time being, alright?" His words hung in the air, sending a shiver down Nico's spine, as beads of sweat formed on his forehead, prompting him to take cautious steps backward.

"Now, what news do we have from the Asuras?" Agrona inquired, his tone laced with authority and expectation.

"Thankfully, High Sovereign, there have been no sightings of the Asuras on Dicathein thus far," one of the Scythes responded, their voice filled with relief. "However, we have lost all communication with the Greysunders."

A momentary pause befell Agrona, an interlude in which he delicately positioned two fingers upon his furrowed brow, a gesture that served to heighten the anticipation swelling within him. As if compelled by an uncontrollable force, his lips parted, allowing a series of mischievous chuckles to escape into the atmosphere.

Simultaneously, his mana erupted with an unbridled intensity, its fiery essence dancing and flickering in a mesmerizing display. In tandem with this surge of power, a subtle transformation overcame Agrona, as faint tendrils of obsidian scales began to manifest, a testament to the potent struggle he endured in preserving the authenticity of his true form. Overwhelmed by the weight of his immense might, the Scythes and Sovereigns in his presence succumbed to their knees, their bodies quivering under the crushing weight of this ethereal pressure, while the very air surrounding them contorted and distorted, as if warping to accommodate the sheer magnitude of his presence.

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