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Arthur stepped into his cabin, grateful that his future roommate had not yet arrived. The absence of another person in the space struck him as unusual, prompting a flicker of curiosity in his mind. With a sense of caution, he locked the door behind him, ensuring his privacy and security within the confines of the room.

Inwardly, Arthur released a portion of his mana, extending it like a web to envelop the surroundings. This careful gesture allowed him to heighten his senses and detect any approaching individuals.

Outside his physical form, Regis materialized, stretching his hind legs in a display of relief. The familiar wolf revelled in the freedom of his corporeal existence, taking advantage of the opportunity to expand his form and revel in the sensation of movement, of which had had been strived off.

Regis released a sigh of relief, his tension dissipating into the air. "That wasn't actually as bad as I thought," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of surprise.

Arthur nodded in agreement, absorbing the soothing waves of Regis's relaxation that washed over his consciousness. "It did seem like the director wanted to make this year's speech a special occasion," he mused, his eyelids growing slightly heavy as fatigue settled upon him.

Just as Arthur's eyelids were on the verge of closing, Regis abruptly jolted to his feet, his instincts detecting an imminent threat. From the depths of Arthur's shadow, a malevolent presence materialized, causing a shiver to crawl up Regis's spine. Arthur, however, remained unperturbed, his gaze unwavering and already familiar with the entity's presence.

As Antares emerged from the depths of the shadow, an undeniable ethereal might enveloped his presence, commanding attention with an alluring yet disquieting allure. The sight was akin to witnessing the delicate dance of light and darkness, as if a celestial symphony were playing out before one's eyes. His cascading waterfall of scarlet hair cascaded with a mesmerizing grace, each strand a vibrant echo of the dying embers of a fading star, its fiery hues contrasting against the cool lavender depths of his eyes. Within those eyes, one could discern a void devoid of any discernible emotion, an enigmatic abyss that seemed to absorb the very essence of light itself.

Antares's translucent red skin further enhanced the otherworldly spectacle he embodied, akin to the ethereal glow of an ember suspended in a realm beyond mortal comprehension. The ethereal translucence of his skin offered glimpses of an inner radiance that seemed to pulsate from within, infusing him with an aura of mystique and power. Every inch of his being emanated an eerie luminescence, a flickering glow that danced upon the boundary between reality and the intangible. Antares donned gleaming silver armour, the metallic plates shimmered with an otherworldly luster, catching the ambient light in intricate patterns that seemed to shift and rearrange with each breath.

Regis's once-playful demeanor waned in the presence of Antares, his countenance growing more serious and subdued. As the ancient dragon's impassive gaze settled upon him, an icy grip seemed to wrap around Regis, effectively immobilizing him in place. Antares, exhibiting an eerie stillness, bent down slightly, resting his chin between his formidable clawed hands. His voice, a low rumble that resonated with age and wisdom, pierced the air.

"You possess the power to use destruction also, how interesting," Antares remarked, his words carrying a weight that echoed through the space between them.

Arthur, ever curious and unyielding, questioned. "What do you want, Antares?" he inquired, his voice carrying a mixture of caution and curiosity.

A slight, almost imperceptible smile curved upon Antares's lips as he turned his gaze back to Arthur. "How presumptuous of you to assume that my presence is solely motivated by a desire to extract something from you," he replied, his voice carrying an air of ancient knowledge and subtle intrigue.

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