"Is it some noble's pet bird? She asked. She looked at the note attached to its leg "Oh! A note. It must be for you Navier." Angelica said handing the note to Navier. Navier looked at what the note said.

'I am a guest from abroad who will soon, arrive at the New Year's ceremony. And I write this note while drunk.'

Navier chuckled as she read the note "Your Majesty, Lady Angelica?" Countess Eliza called out as Laura looked at them "It's a bird. And it's massive." She mumbled as they both walked over to them, Laura and Eliza looked at the bird as they squealed.

"Isn't it absolutely darling? Did it bring you a letter?" Countess Eliza asked, Laura turned to Navier. "Oh, you must write back at once!" Laura said as Navier nodded. They all walk back into the castle and inside Navier's room, Navier walks over to her desk takes out a pen and paper, and starts to write a note.

'Your bird has found its way to me. If it can find its way back, I shall be relieved, for it means it  must be cleaver that its inarticulate drunk master.'

"All right, here is my reply." Navier said tying the note to the bird's leg, The bird rubbed its beak on Navier's hand "Oh my" Navier mumbled. "It's so charming. I think the bird has taken a liking to you, Your Majesty!" Countess Eliza said and Laura spoke up " Yes! Isn't it amazing how it only clings to, her Majesty?" Laura said.

Laura and Countess Eliza squealed. The bird flapped its wings before taking off and flying away "Be careful and don't lose your way" Navier said to the bird.




-???'s POV-

Soon the bird transformed back into a man with golden blond hair, as I read the note, I smiled. "So it seems  I must cleverly find my way back to you If I want to see you again, My Queen."


'In The Hallway'/ 'In Navier's Room'


-Third Person's POV-

"Do you think the bird will come to visit again?" Navier asked and Laura smiled "I do hope it returns, and with another letter." Laura said as they were walking. Soon they heard chatter and Navier opened the door to see Sovieshu there.

"Your Majesty?" She asked confused, he turned to look at Navier "Ah, you've finally returned, Empress" He said.

"What brings you here?" Navier asked "I believe Rashta, and Angelica will need their very own ladies-in-waiting. While I don't mind that your ladies-in-waiting have been caring for Angelica, they are yours so Angelica and Rashta will need their own. But finding a willing noble has been difficult." Sovieshu said

'And I'd been having such a pleasant day before he mentioned Rashta' Navier thought, Sovieshu spoke up again "It's obvious they're all being cautious because you haven't joined in on the search, so I want you to lead the search in finding Rashta and Angelica's lady-in-waiting" He said.

The Second Mistress (Sovieshu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now