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Donovan castello

December 21

Atlas is almost turning 5 in a half mohths. Already, he's still small but I have faith in our little boy. He's going to thrive and grow.

If your wondering me and my ma is on good terms. Actually me and her new boyfriend is also on good terms. He knows not to fuck over my ma. I'll kill him with my bare hands.

Aelia is on with Vanessa and Cleo while I'm with Rhy and Enzo. Atlas is with my ma.

All three of us walked into the mall ready to splurge on our worlds. As soon as we walked in eyes were on us.

Enzo stands at 6'3, Rhy stands at 6'5, and I stand at 6'7. All dressed in black attire head to toe. I took off my black sunglasses and tucked them in my back pocket as we walked with ease.

"Jeder starrt uns an.( everyone stares at us." Enzo mumbled and I cracked a smirk. "Ist Ihnen das wirklich nicht aufgefallen?(did you really not notice that?" I sarcastically spat back and Enzo sucked his teeth but stopped in Gucci.

"I'll call you when I'm out, I have to go to Hermes to get atlas some things." I stated and Enzo nodded.

"I'll head with you." Rhy stated and I nodded as I tucked my hands in my pockets. We've got plenty of stares and whispers but mainly lustful eyes.

I hate that I got a fresh new cut, Aelia doesn't like when I show off my fresh new cut because when I get a new cut that means new eyebrow slit and new tooth gem.

But instead of tooth gem I got two gold window grills on my canine tooth and the one next to it.

As I was walking to Hermes with Rhy, we were both stopped by two women. Who looked around 19-20, fresh out of high school maybe.

One of them bit their bottom lip making me cringe, "I have a son, a wife he has a wife aswell and kids." I quickly spat and walked away.

I entered Hermes and immediately went to buy an Hermes blanket for atlas and a few jewelry pieces.


I stopped by pandora to get Aelia a promise ring. I have to show people she's taken some how correct.

So I bought her a silver diamond ring with a heart. It was beautiful but it can't top the engagement ring or her permanent ring.

I'm spending top dollar on her. Beautiful women deserves a rock.

Rhy spent the most, he carried 2 big bags from Hermes, 1 large back from Dior, and 3 bags from Versace. Meanwhile I only carried 2 bags from Hermes, 1 small bag from pandora, and one large bag from Prada.

As I approached my all blacked out rolls Royce cullinan next to Rhys black Ferrari and Enzo's black Bentley my phone rung.

I opened the backseat which all the seats were red. I placed the bags in the backseat before answering my phone to see it was Aelia.

"Baby?" I asked as I shut the door as Rhy and Enzo stared at me. "Baby." She slurred making me squint my eyes.

"Are you drunk? Baby where are you." I asked and she groaned. "I just fell... I don't know where I am." She slurred again as I heard slurred laughter in the background.

"Babe, stay where you are." I quickly said and she hummed before hanging up. "They're all drunk." I muttered and Enzo rolled his eyes as Rhy laughed out.

I checked Aelias location to see her in a very expensive hotel. Oh baby...

"Follow me." I quickly said as I hopped in my car.


We all parked behind eachother drawing even more attention of us. I stepped out and locked my door as I rushed inside the building to see Aelia laying down on the sofa with Vanessa and Cleo who were drunk out of their minds.

I didn't miss all the bags Aelia carried with the wine besides her. I smiled and gently picked her up making her immediately punch me with he slow and soft punches.

"Stop it my boyfriend will kill yo-"

"Baby it's me." I softly said and she opened one eye and hummed before resting her head in the crook of my neck.

Rhy and Enzo grabbed Vanessa and Cleo effortlessly.

I opened the passenger door and gently put her in. I buckled her and placed her bags in the back.

I gently closed her door and walked over to the driver side, "I'll speak with you both later. I have to deal with Aelia and get Atlas." I stated and they nodded before helping their wife's into the cars.

I got in and buckled myself up before driving off making Aelia groan. "Why'd you ruin the fun Donovan." Aelia slurred making me look over at her mascara slightly smudged.

"Your drunk lia." I softly said as she had constant hiccups. "Maybe just a little." She replied before closing her eyes making me smile and shake my head.

Her hangover is going to be terrible.


Aelia been asleep for quite awhile now. Before she went to sleep I made sure I helped her take a bath and lotion up. She demanded she wear my clothes so I let her and tucked her in.

I had to cuddle with her because she wouldn't stop moving in her sleep and mumbling words. As soon as I cuddled with her she stopped.

Right now I'm in my living room sitting down on the couch with atlas and peach. I held atlas as he rested on my bare chest meanwhile peach was snoring very loudly.

She is still my little shit and is my dog daughter. She acts like a toddler.

Aelia walked down the stairs and dipped the corner to come into view making me see her pants no longer on, my shirt completely wrinkled and her curls tucked away in her bonnet.

"You've looked like you came out of war. Tylenol is on the kitchen counter." I softly said and she gave a groan as a reply and dragged her feet to the kitchen.

I see she doesn't take hangovers well.

She came back with water in her hands and laided down on the other side of the couch. She placed her legs on my lap as she looked at the tv.

"Don't take hangovers well?" I asked and her brown eyes locked to mine before squinting them. "Thank you for bathing me even though I threw up plenty again." She mumbled making me gently place atlas in his bassinet and rub Aelias feet and legs.

"How many drinks did you have?" I asked and she shrugged. "All I remember was free drinks." She softly said looking at me making me chuckle.

"That went to my card." I softly said and she rubbed her forehead, "I-I-"

"It's okay Aelia. I don't mind, I'm glad your spending my money. Actually our money. It's your money aswell Aelia, I trust you." I whispered not wanting to speak so loud.

Peach jumped off the couch and ran over to her bed that had pillows and a cover. With plenty of toys besides it in a gold basket.

"Our money?" She whispered and I nodded. She sat up and looked me in my eyes, "Donovan- I don-"

"Lia. We have a son, we live together, I know every detail about you and your body. I know everything about you. It's yours aswell... I even changed my card pins to the day I met you... 07/21." I whispered and she pouted and clamped her arms around my neck.

I tightly held onto her and placed her on my lap as i heard her light sobs. She pulled away and wiped her tears, "Donovan I don't know how I got so lucky... to use to thinking of bad thoughts to be thinking happy ones. We have a son together... thank you d. I'm grateful and thankful for you. You are my angel." She replied before cupping my cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tightly, "you saved me Aelia. Your my angel." I softly said before I gave her a soft kiss on the lips.


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