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           I had no intention of listening to him further. Though most things seemed nonsense, he had me at the mention of the Eyes. My eyes bothered Nanny and she had taken me to Ophthalmologist. Only that perfect vision score calmed her. I didn't tell her that I have perfect night vision too. I never told that to anyone. One more thing bothered me was my strength, I had to walk on egg shells around my younger sister, Shabun. Whenever we wrestle or whenever we grabbing each other hairs, I had to let her have her way. I love her all right but she has her way to get on my nerves pretty often. Only person who treated me like a normal healthy person is her. Pretty playful person and full of life she is.
Eon?? Eon??.. I don't know why would
he tell me such a tale.

                I couldn't sit still with him next to me. I felt awkward, sorry, angry... I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. Only thought keep nudging was the fact, I would give my grandparents heart attack if I visited them without notice. My poor aunt... There was intense, tight feeling embraced me as he drove closer to my Grandpa's home. I kept forgetting many things from my past as if my body keeps erasing them. So the woods nearer to my old home felt strange.
"can you park here for a moment?.i cannot visit them now. Please take me back to Gnovig. Things would be frantic at my dad's place.", I know he is a complete stranger, still I feel comfortable around him. Not awkward when he said something about half... Something...   " Gnovig it is then.",he said." Before we go there. I had to report my duty at the station. Would you mind waiting for some time?", he sounded like a genuine person. But I don't have to believe ' that half nonsense' right.

           "How long will you be gone?". "since it's only 9.A.M. I have some time left. Would you like to grab a breakfast with me?. There is a really nice little place here. If you don't mind?", I couldn't say yes at the same time my stomach keeps growling like I am starving it for years. I nodded slowly.

           'Banyon Hills since 1938' that sign board said. Looks like it's pretty famous place around here. Driveway was already packed when Eon parked next to a truck. I expected him to open the door for me. Stupidity.. Yes I agree with you there. I looked around the place, there was no any other store around it, it was pretty close to the Hills highway road. We went inside, I don't know why I kept walking closer to him it's not like there's handcuffs on me. Officer arrest him not me for being  too tall.
              He said," usual ", to that girl behind the counter. She seemed like a gentle person. "Officer, aren't you gonna late for your duty? ', she asked him before turning to me. Like an automated machine I told her," Rolled eggs, wheat bread, baked beans and a cup of hot chocolate ", I know I sounded like a child. I returned her smile. She nodded. An elder man joined her to prep the order. He was bulky taking up the most room, he glared at me and then at Eon. I wanted to scream, oh.. Yes... I was abducted. Instead like a lost child I looked 'up' at Eon. Like he understood the assignment.
             "This is Cera Athif. You know the lady who owns Lite Pharmacy next town, her niece", He told that man nudging me. At the mention of my name, the girl fetched my order came back to look at me, I didn't know anything to tell them. I tugged at Eon's sleeve. One thing became clear he hasn't abducted me for my organs. He has no intention to keep me hidden under some wooden cottage. He even knows my father's name may be Martha had told him. Everyone we passed recognised him and greeted him too. If I'm ever found missing, people would definitely say they saw me with him. Mistrust completely vanished like that. I sighed a big relief.
          There wasn't many empty tables, our table was right behind a group of truck drivers. They were arguing loud about the upcoming poll. Eon was checking his phone he wasn't paying much attention to them, when that guy from that group greeted him. "Lend me your phone", I asked him. He handed me. I dialled my dad's number right away. When I told him I am in Tavernnery Hills to pay a visit to Nanny. It took a while to make him believe that I really get here all on my own. My father is a real boss in my family, nothing, nobody can go anywhere without informing him first. My elder sister had a hard time dating her boyfriend. Yeah I know... I saw it coming, "What happened to your phone? Whose number is this, Cera?". "Dad. I will call you in a while.An officer lend his phone", I wasn't lying about the last part obviously. I Cut him off before he asks where I stayed last night,  I will tell you when I know too. As I gave his phone back, that girl who prepped my order placed the plate with a thud in front of me. Wasn't it the same girl who politely smiled at me?? ....

            Eon seemed startled too. "Do you really not remember me?", she asked me straightening herself from the table. She looked at me then at Eon. As if she's accusing me of dating her crush. "Errrr... I'm sorry. I know I used to live around here. My memory is not so great.", i had to admit. "Can't believe.. you completely forgot about us. Niyath still wishes you would pay us a visit someday", She sounded angry. I need some help here Eon. I telepathied across the table. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Afwa. Give your friend here a little intro before you bang her head on the table", Eon chuckled at her. DAMN YOU, EON FOR THAT CHUCKLE.
I had to suppress back my smile. "Cera. We still ask your Nanny whereabouts of you. We are really worried that you are still sick. I'm sorry.", her eyes seemed to watered a little. It was EON who handed her a tissue and made her sit next to me.
                     It hit me hard. I wouldn't forgive myself for forgetting this humble soul. " I have no excuse to forgive myself for forgetting you. I'm sorry, Afwa.", as I was telling her, That bulky old man called for her. She smiled now. " We are short-staffed. I will try to come back.", she left.
               "Were you stalking me?",it almost gave me a creep. "How did you know that we were friends?". "It's a pretty little town, Cera. Here everybody knows everyone. I know her and I thought you might be friends. It wasn't hard guess.", he smiled before digging into his plate. How could anyone smile so bright!!!!. We finished our breakfast in silence.
            " How about I leave you at your Grandpa's place for now? ", it was like he can't wait to run away from me.

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