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          FROM NINE YEARS AGO....

                  It was full moon. I thought that I would take a stroll around the forest. Other members from the pack had already gone out. It was me and only son of our Alpha, Zaid. He was around my age, fourteen. Members from my pack would able to transform at the full moon only after seventeen. Everyone reacts different to the full moon. I could stand the moonlight without much pain in untransformed state. It wasn't same for Zaid, he laid curl up in his bed. So I had to go around without him. Pack wouldn't usually hunt during the fullmoon as it last for three days, at the end of the full moon, pack would be starved and it was upto younger ones to provide them food with hunt. Martha had tended to Zaid before she left to join others as the evening approached. As I walking around, I spotted the members from my clan moving towards the mountain to take up shelter. It was already darker when I first heard a human girl crying. If my untransformed state could pickup this cry others would heard that alright. I had to rush for this girls aid. It stopped for awhile. As the woods packed with scent of wild jasmine, it wasn't easy to pick up the Human scent.
                      I thought , "It's going to be a huge disaster if others found that human. Most humans would stay clear from the wood at this time around". I ran around. Strange thought came to me, Martha would still be in the woods not with the others as she left little later than others. Her transformed state could easily pick up the human scent. I hurried to the places which was usually frequented by humans. No sign of them. Forest had grew quieter as the moon revealed itself. I stopped at the crying sound. Now I knew where she could be. As I ran towards that sound, howling of my clan started. Now I could hear Martha much closer than others. It seemed like she's running towards that human too.
I tried my best to surpass her. I came to the halt as I spotted Martha standing behind the tree, eyeing her prey. Before the hell let loose, I ran to her and grabbed her hindleg, she turned to me. Though transformed, her sense seemed to be at place. I told her to step back. But she shaked her head and sniffing the human scent. Now I looked past Martha, that human girl was trying to move her legs and crying. Looks like Martha caught up her blood scent from injured leg. Now I had to cover up the scent somehow. Though Martha seemed sensible, she walked closer towards that human girl. I hurried to that human side, Martha withdrew but not really going back. I knew she would hover around at the same time, it seemed others also hurrying towards here.

                  I felt like I was caught between this human and my pack. She was trying to move her injured leg making it bleed harder. I had to do something to mask her scent. I looked around and Martha ducked down behind the tree as if she's waiting for me to leave. I must be not thinking straight, I bit my hand and my blood oozed out, it was painful, I think I tore my muscle pretty hard too. I brought my bitten hand to that girls leg. She was hurt little below her knee, and the wound was open, her eyes was wide with horror as I let my blood to drop into her wound slowly, all the while  hoping my blood wouldn't poison her. Like her body accepted my offering, her wound started to close up with clot. I removed my outer shirt to wipe the fallen blood. That girl tried to say something but stayed silent. Martha stopped others while I let my blood to that girl.

                  As everyone left towards the mountain , I stayed back with that girl. She was on and off with consciousness. I heard distant cry of another human, he must be looking for this girl,i thought. I studied that girl for any danger he might pose. But her face lit up as if she anticipated to hear that voice. So I thought I should help this guy to come to her. So I left her all on her own and guided that other guy from the distance.

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