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               I don't know how long I stayed unconscious, I couldn't fully awake myself. Everything appears bits and pieces, I could feel a strong arm wrapping around me. I tried squeezing my eyes to look at him, a sharp pain shoot up in my chest, I winced loudly it was terrible. I tried not to lose this consciousness and an another jet of pain started, I threw myself forward but that strong arm held me in place.  I was gasping for breath in between
the pain, that strong arm reassured me  by patting me in the back (as if it gonna help me). As I tried to gain consciousness, something warm pressed on my lips, before I know it I tasted metallic taste in my mouth. Like I tasted honey,  I felt a sudden surge of ease throughout, weird...... But the way I'm responding to it....... It made me lose my mind... I squeezed shut my eyes, my heart still fluttering but this is not pain. I opened my eyes slowly, deep gaze of that two colored eyes was on me. He pulled his face away, I spotted his lips was bleeding a tiny bit. My body reacted differently on seeing his blood whether it's his lips or blood.. I don't know... Shame overtook me. I bit my lower lip in reflex and that soft metallic taste yet sweet was still on my mouth. Wait... Weird.... Does it mean that have I been kissing this guy? I mean a stranger? That too my first kiss?.. Just a moment ago, I was writhing in pain now it is complete opposite. It took me another few minutes to realize I am still in his arms and this guy still looking into my face. Like he understood, he let me down. Now that I am looking at him up close, his glance looked too cold and He had droopy eyes. I had to take a few steps back, his height towered over me. I struggled a bit to keep up on my toes. He offered his arm, I took it without second thought. As he smelled of some wild flowers, my mind bombarded with that memory from nine years ago. Though I continued to fight it, his deep gaze making me remember it vividly. I tried to close my mind for a bit. I couldn't stop myself. Suddenly my limbs felt like jelly. I dropped down though he tried to catch me. I let go off his hand.

              NINE YEARS AGO.....

          Uncle Oskar's mom wouldn't stop at nothing. She would always make me wanna disappear somewhere. I felt hopeless and sudden thought of nobody wanted me took over my mind. I tried to stay calm but I couldn't stop my tears from overflowing. I could hear the adults downstairs arguing but I didn't want them to find me. I knew Aunt Samara would come for me any minute , I didn't want them so I climbed down the window from my room. It was early evening, sky was getting darker and I forgot to put on my winter coat. I ran to check on Kiwi my pet lamb. As I went closer to the barn, I heard the distant rattling of leaves. Nanny had warned me every single time not to go anywhere near the fence. A fallen tree had greatly damaged the fence, I crossed the fence because I wasn't in any mood to obey the elders now. I heard from my fried Afwa that forest next to my house had white peacocks and one could easily find them during winter. Me and Niyath argued her that no such thing existed in the woods. Sudden idea came to me, I would go into the forest and prove her wrong.

I walked for some distance into the woods. There was utter silent. Not even the usual chirpings of birds, crowing of peacocks, sound of the wind.. Nothing... Absolute silence. Sudden panic took over me. I had to retrace my steps, sky was clear yet. Grandpa had taught me how to study the horizon and sky. Looking at the darker sky made my spine shiver. I cried and weeped for help. I could hear my own echo. From the path I took, I tried to turn back, as if somebody rushing me forward, Instead of running back, I started to run deeper into the woods. All the while, crying for my momma. I tripped over something and face fell forward. Just like that, I blacked out.

               When I opened my eyes, it was very darker. I wanted to scream for help again. I was scared to look around, I could see nothing. I didn't knew, how much deep I penetrated into the woods. I couldn't move my left leg, I tried to stand up. I Screamed in pain as I realized that my left leg was injured from the fall. I didn't know what to do to go back to my parents. I covered my face with my hands and was weeping. It was at that moment, I heard the distant howling of an animal. It sent shiver through my body. That's it. It's gonna kill me. I looked around, an another howling from the different direction. Everything went silent after a moment. I was shaking up in fear and couldn't even stand up. Another howling, this time it felt nearer than before. Like Sky answered to that howling, it cleared up and the wood now lit with moonlight. I could hear many distant footsteps. I knew it was coming at great speed. Now that I can see around, it was best to hide myself behind the bushes. I tried to move but my legs.. I cried in pain again. Those footsteps were coming nearer than I thought, I caught a strange shadows behind the tree. My gaze stayed rooted at that shadow. A boy with long black wearing short brown trousers appeared behind that shadow. As if they both had the clear understanding, that shadow now it's a great dog like a wolf I don't know, took a few steps in front of me and withdrew back. It did nothing to THAT BOY.

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