Five: Kick Ass.

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"I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours. Just until we get more students." Johnny explained.

"We need to change the energy in here." A woman commented, as the others began to set up their mats.

"Yeah, you know what, Sensei, I'm gonna get Miggy an ice pack..." Soomin whispered, "Let me go with you." Miguel said, "You're not leaving me here either. Don't even think about it." Johnny followed along.

''Twas another day in the Cobra Kai dojo. Johnny made Soomin wear punching pads and instructed her direct her hands anywhere, as long as Miguel would punch the pads.

"What's the second rule of the way of the fist?" Johnny asked the two, "Strike hard." The two answered. "That's right." Johnny replied, "There's only one reason to hit someone: to inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving your all."

Soomin and Miguel continued their training but Johnny muttered, "What the hell."

"No yoga till five, no matter how bad you need it." Johnny called out. "I'm actually here for karate." Aisha spoke, "Sodium! Hey!" Soomin waved, "Hey chloride." Aisha smiled.

"Anyway, I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha explained, "I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny replied.

"I now identify as a non binary then." Soomin rolled her eyes, "Why not? Soomin is in." Aisha said, "Same reason why there aren't women in the army. Doesn't make sense." Johnny replied.

"Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel spoke, he and Johnny walked inside the separate room as Soomin sighed, taking off the punching pads.

"Any reason why you wanna join? Don't get me wrong this dojo needs more girls. But I didn't expect you to join karate." Soomin spoke.

"I just wanna find a way to stop people from bullying me I guess. Sometimes it's hard dealing with messages of people giving me death threats because of the way I look." Aisha replied.

"Hm, yeah that makes sense. Hopefully Sensei let's you join." Soomin says.

"Okay, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." Johnny came out of his office, following with Miguel. Aisha followed the order.

"Okay, after further review, I've decided to allow female students." Johnny spoke, "Yay I don't have to be a non binary any more!" Soomin joked.

"But if you wanna be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl." Johnny added, "What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha asked.

"You know, all emotional, loud, complain-y, never letting you finish a sentence." Johnny listed, "Well I know a few guys who act just-" "Quiet!"

Johnny then walked around Aisha, "My student tells me you've been harassed at school." Johnny spoke, "Yeah. Mostly online. I get mean texts and emails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go." Aisha explained.

"And who sends you these messages?" Johnny questioned, "Well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself." Aisha told.

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