🕸 33. Field Trip 🕸

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"Hello decathlon team, today I have a surprise for you regarding the trip next Friday" Mr. Harrington said to the decathlon team that all held their breath, a surprise trip was exciting, this was because they had won the decathlon match a few weeks prior.

Peter just hoped that it would go better than the trip to the Washington monument. The elevator had crashed and he needed to save them all but the tower was very tall so that was scary. The spider shook his head and focused on the teacher again.

"So, the trip is going to.... Drumroll please," he said and drummed on his laps, and the whole class joined in, "Stark Towers!" He said and the whole class cheered, except Peter. He was going to a field trip to his own house, he just hoped that his family wouldn't embarrass him that badly.

Mr. Harrington tried to calm down the class and start teaching but failed, as the team kept on chitchatting about the trip. They were all really excited and eventually Roger Harrington just gave up, and let them talk. He handed out the permission slips that needed to be signed before Friday.

Peter, Ned, Flash and MJ sat together.
"Well, we're going to your house Parker, you excited?"
"Not really, I'm nervous that my family will embarrass me"
"Sucks to be you" MJ said and then found her book out to read it. Peter felt some sort of butterflies in his stomach every time the girl spoke to him, he was pretty sure he was starting to gain feelings for her. This was the last lesson so after it was over Peter went home.

"Hey Bambi, how was school today?" Tony asked his son as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, and Peter smiled.
"It was great, we have a field trip next Friday and we have permission slips to be signed."
"Oh, where to? And just give it to me and I'll sign it right now"
"Ohh, umm, the field trip is to here"
"Wait, really?" Tony asked with a laugh.
"Yeah, please don't embarrass me"
"I'll consider it"
"Thank you" Peter said, feeling relieved.
"I've considered it now, we will embarrass the sh*t out of you"
"But daaad!" Peter groaned and Tony ruffled his hair with a laugh. "It's my job as a dad to embarrass you Pete"
Peter sighed, but gave his dad the permission slip to sign and then went to his room.

Peter feared Friday, as he was not ready to be embarrassed in front of his class, maybe the Avengers would even accidentally slip out that he's Tony Starks son. He sighed again and decided to go out as Spider-Man for a bit.

Friday came quicker than he would've liked. He met up with his friends at school and they waited for Mr. Harrington to arrive.
"Aren't you just excited for this big 'play-date at your own house Peter?"
"Yes, Soooo excited" Peter replied, his voice laced with sarcasm, this was probably going to a total nightmare.

"Sup Parker! Ready for your internship to be proven wrong!?" The new 'leader' in the 'bully group' said, a guy called Alex O'Hirn.
"It's not fake" Peter replied and sighed, these guys weren't as bad as Flash was, as they didn't use physical violence.
"Why don't you guys go away!?" Flash yelled and the group scattered as they remembered what had happened last time they angered Flash.

Then the teacher arrived and everyone calmed a bit down. Harrington cleared his throat and the class looked up with expectant eyes.
"Right, the bus is waiting, so let's get going" he said and everyone went out and on the bus with chitchat and murmuring about how exciting this was.

After half an hour of driving they arrived and people pushed and shoved to be the first one out, eventually everyone got out and they went inside the lobby. Everyone was in awe of the inside as almost none of them had been inside there before.

A young woman beside them cleared her throat, but most of the class didn't hear it so she tried again, this time a little louder. Roger Harrington heard her this time and clapped his  hands and gained the attention of the class, the woman sent him a thankful look.

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