🕸 24. Electro 🕸

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TW: abuse, panic attack

Peter got home from Flash' house, still a bit shaken up, should he tell someone about it? He had promised to not tell, so for now he would keep quiet. He went up with the elevator and went into the living room where the others where.
"Hey Pete, where were you?" His mom asked and Peter answered "Oh, we have a school project and I was with my assigned partner at his house to talk about it"
"Oh, is that why we have a meeting tomorrow?" Tony asked and Peter nodded.

Before he could say anything else, the light suddenly blinked before completely turning off. All of the Avengers quickly stood up and tried to walk around in darkness and in Peters opinion they looked pretty funny. He couldn't see that great, but he could see where everything was so he didn't stumble around.

Suddenly his spider sense spiked and he looked towards another end of the building where a little trail of electricity was, Electro was here, he had fought him before and he knew that the poor guy just wanted to be recognized, what was his name? Peter knew he had looked at his name-tag when he saved the guy before his powers, he had some paper scrolls and was about to get run over by a car.

The glowing man appeared and because of the blue glow the room was a little bit lit up again. All the Avenges jumped a bit back, away from him.

"ELECTRO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!! LEAVE OR I'L BLAST YOU!" Tony yelled with his repulsers out and ready.
Peter walked over to him. "Uhh dad, is there any metal nearby? If so, don't touch it" Peter said and Tony nodded.

Tony shot a laser at Electro and Electro absorbed the energy, he pointed his hands at Peter and just as the lightning shot after him, he rolled to the side and dodged it.

"Heyy Electro, w-we don't need to do this" Peter said and Electro raised his arm to try and shoot the boy that raised his arms in the air, the other Avengers stared in fear. "You want to be recognized right Electro? And attacking Stark Towers will definitely get you recognized, but they will not see you as you, they'll see you as a monster, do you really want that?" Peter asked, trying to talk Electro out of attacking him or anyone else.

"I don't, and you're right I just want to be recognized, but nobody recognizes me! You for sure don't! Your just a kid and you only know me as 'the villain Electro'" The man said, again aiming for the boy and Peter suddenly remembered his name, Max.

"That's not true, a while back you were saved by Spider-Man right? Yeah, and he knew your name"
"Yeah, it was my birthday, I'm a huge fan of him" Electro said and lowered his arm, his skin fading a bit from the blue back to his own skin, but still cackling with electricity.
"Yeah, he called you Max right? That's your name, or is it short for anything?" Peter asked trying to calm down the villain, and the Avengers expression had changed from horror to shock.

"My real name is Maxwell, thank you kid" Maxwell said while wiping sparks away from his eyes, he then disappeared into the light-switch and out of the tower, soon after the light came back and Tony ran up to his son and hugged him. "Jeez kid, you scared me there! Really thought he was going to electrocute you" Tony said and Peter hugged his dad tightly, because even though he was Spider-Man and was in these situations a lot, didn't mean he didn't get scared. Saving lives was scary.

"Are you alright Pete? You didn't get hit right?"
"No, I didn't get hit and I'm fine, it was just scary" Peter said and Tony nodded.
"How did you know that about him? Him being saved by Spider-Man and his name?" Tony asked and Peter shrugged.
"Took some time to remember the name, but I remembered standing on the street and Spider-Man saving him. I recognized him and he hacked every TV in town in his fight against Spidey so I heard the conversation they had about him not getting recognized"
"Okay kid, now is everyone else alright!" He asked and turned towards the other Avengers, that all nodded.

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