🕸 29. School Project 🕸

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'The Nerd Trio'

Boss Girl
Hey Loser, can we visit you and maybe talk to Ms Romanoff, Mrs Potts and Ms Maximoff?
By we I mean me and Ned
For our school project

Guy In The Chair
Can we? We could also finish some of the LEGO we haven't built yet!

Boss Girl
I can feel you two are going to build LEGO while I actually make the project

Guy In The Chair
Can you?
You're better at coming up with the question

Boss Girl
But participate in the interviews so the teacher actually knows you've done something

Guy In The Chair
Yeah sure, deal

Sure, come over after school tomorrow

Boss Girl
Thanks loser

You're welcome, see you at school tomorrow

Guy In The Chair

Peter put his phone away, he had gotten home from the interview and had continued to work on his blueprints, he wasn't done yet but he had taken a break from working and instead was just watching YouTube on his phone.
His phone plinged and it was from the group chat.


Hello Avengers currently in the facility, I would like to announce that dinner is ready.



Peter laid his phone down and went out to the kitchen, it was usually Steve that cooked, in rare times some of the other Avengers or else it was takeout. As Steve had written, it was probably the first option, he went out and saw that Steve had made lasagna. He sat down along with all the other Avengers. He took a big portion onto his plate and started eating.

"You have a big appetite Pete" Steve laughed and Peter looked up at him.
"Yeah, don't you too?"
"Yes, but I'm a super soldier"
"And I'm Spider-Man, I have super fast metabolism as well, how do you keep forgetting that?" Peter asked and then began eating his food again.

After dinner he went inside his room and jumped out the window, in the background he heard FRIDAY notifying his dad, that he was out on patrol.

The Spider swung around for about 5 hours, he followed an old lady to the other side of the road, saved a kid from getting run over by a car after he was chasing his ball. Then he stopped a mugging and a robbery. One of the robbers had a knife and threw it at him, thanks to his spidersense he managed to almost dodge it, it did cut his shoulder, so the suit got torn and a deep cut appeared and blood was drawn.

He took the muggers down and webbed them to a wall. He called the police, reporting what had happened and then he swung off again, at 1:16 he decided to swing home, and he got into his room at 1:36, he heard FRIDAY notifying Tony, and then he got changed out of his Spiderman suit and intro his PJ's.

He then went to Bruce's lab to get scanned. Luckily nothing had happened except the little cut at his shoulder, Bruce cleaned it up to avoid an infection, then stitched it together. Peter went into his own room again and then went to bed.

The next day at school was quickly over, without Flash bullying him school had become 10 times more enjoyable, he aced a math test, didn't pay attention in science, because he knew what they were teaching anyway, he worked on the Spidey project in English and then the day was over and he, Ned and MJ walked together to the tower.

The receptionist, by the name of Mary waved at them and they went through security. The moment one of them passed through an Irish voice came from the ceiling.

"Peter Parker, Level 10, Personal intern of Tony Stark, Two authorized materials"

"Ned Leeds, Level 8, friend of Avenger and high-level intern, No unauthorized material"

"MJ, Level 8, friend of Avenger and Personal intern of Pepper Potts, No unauthorized material"

FRIDAY knew that Peter was both Spider-Man and adopted by Tony Stark, but had been told to call him personal intern when he walked through security, to hide his identity.
They went up the elevators and into the living room. "Hey Pete" Tony said and smiled, he then noticed his friends. "Hello Ned and MJ I suppose?" He asked and Ned nodded enthusiastically while MJ just gave him a thumbs up.

"Do you know if Ms Romanoff, Ms Maximoff and Mrs Potts are busy? Ned and I have some questions for them" MJ said.
"I don't think they're busy at the moment, what kind of questions is it"
"For school" She said and Tony nodded, "Follow me" he said and the 3 teens did as he said.

They arrived at Peppers room and Peter hugged her. "Hey mom, my friends have some questions for you, it's for a school project"
"Uhhh sure, I'm guessing you have a camera to set up, so do that and I have an hour for questions" She said and smiled warmly at MJ.

Ned and MJ set up the cameras and began questioning her. Peter on the other hand following Tony into his lab and found out the blueprints to his new spider-suit.
"Wow, this looks good Bambi, want me to build it for you?"
"No, I only want your help, because I want to learn about the building process of the nanotechnology"
"Alright, want to get started now?"
"Yes!" Peter yelled excited and the father-son duo got to work, they built new webshooters in order for them to contain the nanotech.

Getting Karen and Droney transferred into the new suit wasn't that hard, it was definitely more difficult building and coding them. They were far from done when Ned and MJ knocked on the door, they wasn't allowed in unless Peter, Pepper, Bruce or Tony allowed them through.

"FRIDAY let them in please" Peter said and the door unlocked.
"Oxygen Magnesium! Is that a new suit!? And you didn't ask for my help? I'm hurt Pete" Ned exclaimed, grabbing his chest to show how 'hurt' he was. Peter grinned "I asked my dad for help, because I doubt you have that much experience with nanotechnology"
"OH MY GOD!! NANOTECHNOLOGY!? THATS AWESOME!" Ned yelled and Tony smiled while Peter laughed, MJ sighed. "You two are nerds, I'm going home to edit the interviews, have fun" she said and walked off, the two boys waved after her.

Then Tony remembered something. "Oh, you're the Ted-Ned guy right? The one with AI knowledge? Since you're both here we could start on upgrading FRIDAYS firewalls"
"Yes!" Peter said and Ned nodded. Tony found an NDA and gave it to Ned to sign before they could start. He did and then they got to work, they all brainstormed ideas and looked through the coding, they also started on coding some new firewalls, but as it was getting late, Ned went home, even though he was reluctant.

A week had passed and Ned, Tony and Peter were done with both the AI and the Iron-Spider suit, as Peter had decided to call it, because it used some of the same technology as the Iron-Man suit.

He had his 'Onesie Suit', the 'Classic Suit' and now he also had the 'Iron Spider'. It worked like a charm and he always had his webshooters on and the suit could form if he just thought about it, the nanotechnology could move to places he wanted, for example cover everything but his head and so on. He could also control the legs by thought and if they were out or no as they had both pros and cons, they could help in a fight and be extra assistance but they were quite big and not that handy if he was in a small alleyway.

At school Flash and Peter had also finished their project and were presenting their project in front of the class, because of Peters 'inside information' they managed to answer every question they were being asked, even the things that weren't exactly publicly known, but as all of the teachers knew he was adopted by Tony Stark, they didn't question it. Of course they also talked a bit about his new suit and how it worked.

Peter revealed that he was the personal intern of Tony Stark, showed his badge and said that he had helped build the nanotech suit. The class gasped in surprise before giving an applause to the class, needless to say they got an A+ as the highest grade in the class, the second highest grade which was an A, went to Ned and MJ as they showed interviews as well.

That A+ was the first A+ that Flash ever got so he was very proud and couldn't wait to show his father.

Peter smiled at the thought that he had gotten an A+ for presenting about himself.

~1500 words

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