🕸 9. AGAIN!? 🕸

425 10 8

TW: attempted sexu@l assault, gun shot

Oxygen Magnesium Ned! I just embarrassed myself in front of Tony Stark!
I accidentally called him dad!

Who's Ned?

Oh Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium
Sorry, wrong chat

You called him dad! Awww

No! It's not 'awwww' it was embarrassing, and now he probably thinks I'm weird

Tony the Fe-Male
I don't think he thinks you're weird kid, what if he sees you as a son too?

Ms. Red
He probably does, have you seen the way he looks when he talks about you?

Barry Allen
He looks like a very proud dad

How do you know?

Ms. Red
We're interns as well, we were fetching some coffee for the Avengers when their machine upstairs was broken, so we overheard Mr. Stark talk about you

Barry Allen
That's a secret we'll never tell
Oh Red just did

And you didn't even tell me:(
Why? Don't you want to meet me?

Ms. Red
Of course we do! You're like a sibling to us as much as you're a son to Tony.
We just thought you might need some time to settle in at your new workplace and we didn't want to disturb you.

Do you really think Mr. Stark sees me as a son?

Tony the Fe-Male
I know he does

Yeah, he definitely does, as a dad myself I know one when I see one

And how do you know

Ms. Red
'Barry' and I took a video of Tony Stark talking about you and showed him

Oh okay

He definitely sees you as a son Pete, he is beginning to take care of himself since he started talking to you
He's drinking less coffee, getting more sleep and remembering to eat.

Because of me?
And I'm just not gonna ask why everyone knows how Tony sees me

Mr. Bird
That's a very good idea Pete

How come you all know my name, when I don't know yours? :(

Captain Language
Because we actually have a sense for not telling random people we text everything about us.

So you don't trust me?

I'm gonna murder you Steve
You made the cinnamon roll sad

Peter has renamed 'Captain Language' to 'Steve: Captain of No-no Words'

Steve: Captain of No-no Words
Wow, now he knows my name and Tonys name. Good job Nat

Thank you Steve

Kinda deserved for making Peter sad

Steve: Captain of No-no Words
Okay, thank for having my back Buck.
Sorry Buck, my mistake.

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